Extend life by 17 years

Extend life by 17 years / Health News

Extend life expectancy by up to 17 years


Researchers at the German Cancer Research Center have calculated how much lifetime costs which way of life. They came to the conclusion that smoking is the worst of all vices. Anyone who keeps their fingers off cigarettes, refrains from alcohol and red meat and avoids obesity, can live up to 17 years longer.

Remaining life expectancy calculated
Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg have calculated in a study how much lifetime costs which way of life. In the context of a European-wide study (EPIC), the epidemiologists led by Prof. Rudolf Kaaks from the DKFZ calculated how each individual risk behavior affects the life expectancy of today's 40-year-olds and the consequences of a combination of different risk factors. „We have calculated the remaining life expectancy - and how to shorten it by an unhealthy life on average“, so Kaaks according to press reports. Accordingly, men give up to 17 and women almost 14 years.

Risk factors individually and in combination
„In the study we wanted to quantitatively consider the main risk factors that are already known: what proportion of the incidence of common chronic diseases - and thus the loss of life expectancy - can be assigned to these factors“, so Kaaks. The study is the first to calculate how much lifetime costs different risk factors, both individually and in combination. Kaaks explained: „For example, our results show the statistical difference in the life expectancy of smokers compared to those who have never smoked.“ However, he is not concerned with either a prediction of real remaining lifetime or an individual risk calculation. It's about statistics with averages.

Smoking requires most years of life
According to the calculations, non-smokers with a body mass index between 22.5 and 24.9 - which is in the upper range of normal weight - who drank little alcohol, were physically active and consumed little red meat, but instead a lot of fruits and vegetables, the greatest life expectancy. Men who are currently 40 years old and live like this, can live on average 87.5 years, women even 88.7. Looking at the individual lifestyle factors shows that smoking requires most years of life. A man who smokes more than ten cigarettes a day loses an average of 9.4 years. For a woman, this is an average of 7.3 years. And even if less than ten cigarettes are consumed per day, the life expectancy of both sexes decreases by about five years. According to a previous publication of the DKFZ, smoking damages almost every organ in the body. Accordingly, the respiratory tract and the cardiovascular system are particularly affected: smoking causes up to 90 percent of all lung cancer cases and is the most important cause for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. In addition, smoking increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Obesity and alcohol consumption favor many diseases
In men with obesity, the lifetime reduced by 3.1 and in women by 3.2 years. Overweight, among other things, promotes the development of diabetes. And with heavy alcohol consumption, which is defined by the researchers with more than four drinks a day, the life expectancy decreases by about three years. The consumption of alcohol promotes or causes numerous diseases, such as fatty liver or gastritis, and increases the risk of a malignant tumor in the liver, stomach and intestines as well as in the mouth and throat area. Women who eat a lot of red meat must expect to lose 2.4 years and men 1.4 years. Many older studies have linked the consumption of red meat to significant health risks such as pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer or diabetes. Surprisingly, according to the researchers, lack of physical activity did not significantly affect life expectancy in the current study.

Everyone wants to get older but not old
As Kaaks explained, all these unhealthy lifestyle behaviors are often problematic „not alone with a single remains.“ The scientists also determined the consequences of combining multiple risky lifestyle factors. „As a result, an obese, heavy smoker who drinks a lot and consumes a lot of red meat loses up to 17 years of life expectancy compared to the person with the best risk profile. For a woman it would be 13.9 years“, said the Heidelberg epidemiologist. Because scientific evidence of a healthy lifestyle is often considered „raised index finger“ Kaaks says: „That's why it's important that we clearly quantify what each individual can gain in life if they forego unhealthy habits early on.“ In addition, the scientist points out what may play an even greater role in addition to life expectancy, the quality of life: „We all want to get older, but we do not want to be old.“ (Ad)

Picture: Tim Reckmann