Intestinal germ infection death lists and fine

Intestinal germ infection death lists and fine / Health News

After the intestinal germ infections at the German Heart Center and the Charité, the district office Berlin-Mitte is considering giving fines and is also requesting lists of all deaths since June.


In Berlin, the intestinal germ scandal continues to cause a stir. The district office Berlin-Mitte has announced to impose fines. In the opinion of the authority, the intestinal germ infections were reported too late to the responsible health authorities. The health councilor in Berlin-Mitte has also announced to let through lists of deaths exactly.

The district office Berlin-Mitte has announced to impose fines. In the opinion of the Office, the German Heart Center had reported the infections with intestinal germs of the children too late or too long concealed the authorities. With that „the heart center violates the Infection Protection Act“, as the head of the health department Anke Elvers-Schreiber stressed on Friday. It had turned out in advance that infection cases had occurred not only at the Charité University Hospital but also at the nearby cardiac center.

According to the District Mayor Christin Hanke (SPD), the Charité also acted too late. Hanke announced that it was issuing three-digit fines against both clinics as a first consequence. However, in the opinion of the mayor, the incidents must first be worked up meticulously.

According to information from the Berlin district office, the germs in the heart center were discovered in mid-September. However, the intestinal germ detection was confirmed only in the last week by the clinic to the health department.

As a result of the infection, an infected infant died of bacterial infectious disease. Three other sick babies have been released from the Heart Center in the meantime. In another infant, the germ was diagnosed, but the disease did not break out. According to the facts, there are currently no further germ infections in the departments concerned. It is still unclear whether the intestinal germ oscillated between the two hospitals.

Prosecutor investigates for negligent homicide
After the early death of the newborn child in the German Heart Center, now also the prosecutor investigates with the „Initial suspicion of negligent homicide“. The police seized the medical records of the affected children on behalf of the investigating authorities. Also in the Charité files have already been ensured by the Criminal Police. At present, the prosecution is also examining whether the already buried child should be exhumed for an autopsy. Whether the exhumation is actually implemented, „will judge an independent medical examiner“, as a spokesman for the prosecutor announced. „That may take time“. On Wednesday, the prosecution had learned that the child, that should actually be autopsied, is already buried.

Health committee wants to deal with hygiene at clinics
At the weekend, the health spokesman for the SPD faction, Thomas Isenberg to the „Berlin newspaper“ confirms that on Monday the health committee of the Berlin parliament will deal with the hygiene at Charité and Herzzentrum. Isenberg demanded „dedicated written reports and evidence“. In addition, it would be worth considering to increase the hospital supervision in the hands of the district in the future. In his opinion, the health authorities would have „partly not the capacity for this.“

The Health Council and District Mayor Dr. Christian Hanke spoke vehemently against the proposal of his party colleague. „Now starting a discussion to relocate the clinic supervision of the districts, drastically fails to realize that it is currently about the complete clarification of a germ outbreak, to which the citizens, but also the parents and employees of the affected stations have a claim.“ It is therefore strange, „if a member of the Chamber of Deputies complains that the health authorities have insufficient capacity.“ Moreover, the hearing does not concern the „Representative of the supervisory authority of the health center“ been invited. Hanke hopes that this is a failure due to the „sweeping events“ These.

List of all deaths since June
Opposite the newspaper „BZ“ Hanke also announced himself „all deaths since June“ to be listed in both clinics. With the doctors wanted the health council „discuss and evaluate every case“. As a result, the Enlightenment to be driven forward, so the hope. (Sb)

Also read:
Premature: intestinal germ infection in the heart center
Severe attack on Charité gynecologists
Charité: No hygiene deficiencies due to germ contamination

Picture: Gerd Altmann