intestinal bacteria

intestinal bacteria /
The human intestine has a surface area of ​​about 200 to 300 square meters. This huge, wrinkled area provides a habitat for a variety of physiological intestinal bacteria, living in symbiosis with humans. While the colon is still sterile in newborns, up to four hundred different types of bacteria settle during the first two years of life. This intestinal flora takes on vital tasks. An intact intestinal flora prevents, for example, the settlement of pathogenic germs, breaks down fiber and is important for the development of a strong immune system.

Normally, a natural balance of bacterial species settles in the intestine. But due to certain factors, the intestinal flora can get out of balance. These include, for example, stress, unhealthy diets, infections and taking antibiotics. In natural medicine, an out-of-balance intestinal flora, also called dysbiosis, is the cause of a large number of diseases. For example, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, recurrent gastrointestinal disturbances, food intolerances, constant fatigue, and headache may indicate dysbiosis. (Vb)

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(Photo 1: Alex /