Intestinal germs in every third meat sample

Intestinal germs in every third meat sample / Health News

In every third meat sample intestinal germs were found in one test


Supermarkets and butcheries often offer meat „on the verge of durability“ on, which is only conditionally marketable, reports the transmitter „NDR“. The consumer and business magazine „market“ had found significant bacterial contamination of the meat in samples in northern German supermarkets, according to the latest communication from the „NDR“. Tonight at 8.15 pm the program will be broadcast.

Already in September had „market“ In the mincemeat from supermarkets partially substantial germ load determined. Now has the magazine „sampled turkey escalope, goulash and beer ham in supermarkets and at butcher shops in Hamburg, Kiel and Oldenburg and have them examined in a food institute“, reports the „NDR“. The food institute KIN found in seven out of 18 samples a significantly increased total germ count. The meat was not fresh anymore. „In addition, intestinal bacteria were detected, which are due to hygiene deficiencies“, so the message of „NDR“.

Both the meat from supermarkets and the samples from the butcher were found to increase germ counts. „The consumers would have had to eat the beer ham, the goulash or the turkey schnitzel on the day of the purchase. At home in the fridge, these products have lost nothing“, criticized the head of quality assurance in the food institute KIN, Michael Benner. For the contamination of six samples with intestinal bacteria made the expert „lack of hygiene“ responsible and explained: „Often this is due to the lack of hygiene in the staff.“ Intestinal bacteria can be a risk to consumers if the meat is not cooked properly during preparation. In this case, complaints such as massive abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting threaten.

Butchers barely better than supermarkets
NDR consumer magazine samples not only showed that the meat load in butchers was barely better than in the supermarkets, but also showed that supermarkets were surprisingly often more expensive in prices than the butchers. With regard to the germ load, the current study shows that overall a more careful handling of the meat products is required. Although it seems quite acceptable to hand over meat to be processed on the same day instead of disposing of it. However, in each case a corresponding note is provided and the price should be adjusted. (Fp)

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Image: Manfred Blanck