Cannabis drugs allowed in Germany

Cannabis drugs allowed in Germany / Health News

Cannabis drugs will be allowed in Germany in the future


According to a statement by the drug commissioner of the federal government Mechthild Dyckmans (FDP), drugs with the active ingredient THC of the cannabis plant, are now allowed in medical indicators.

New therapeutic options
For many critically ill patients with chronic pain, the revised version of the Narcotic Law (BTM) is a real step forward. For some years, evidence-based studies have indicated the medicinal benefit of the drug tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Scientific studies had shown relief of spastic and cramping pain in multiple sclerosis. Other studies report the beneficial increase in appetite in cancer patients. In most cases, cancer and subsequent therapy lead to a classificatory loss of appetite. As a study showed, the drug could help to revive the vital appetite of patients. Pain and ataxia patients also reported a significant improvement in the clinical picture. Therapeutically helpful, the THC drug should also be in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome (TS) as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The new regulations should by no means as one „Legalization of soft drugs“ understood, the Drug Commissioner stressed. The reforms only apply to so-called finished medicinal products, which are delivered directly from the pharmaceutical producer to the pharmacy. Self-cultivation and trade remain punishable even in serious diseases. Only physicians may now prescribe approved drugs to critically ill patients.

Revised allows manufacturing of drugs
The reform will now allow pharmaceutical manufacturers to produce drugs in Germany with the active ingredients of the cannabis plant. Union and FDP coalition groups agreed on this possibility earlier this week. Just over two years ago, the Union, the SPD and the FDP had opposed the easing of the narcotics law. At that time, the health experts of the parties believed that cannabis could do more harm to patients than help them. "There is already an application for a drug, and we hope there will be more," announced Dyckmans on the occasion of the presentation of the Drug and Addiction Report 2011. „The release of drugs with the cannabis drug is an important step, and seriously ill people get another treatment option“, added the drug commissioner. Many people have been waiting for this important step for a long time.

Mouth spray against spasticity
The first application for admission to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices () was submitted by the pharmaceutical producer „Almirall“ for the mouth spray „Sativex“ posed. The preparation is sprayed under the tongue to alleviate spasticity and other symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Clinical studies had shown that Sativex reduced spasticity in MS patients without conventional therapeutic success. The pharmaceutical oral spray has been approved in Canada since 2005. The drug is different from dronabinol because it is derived from the natural hemp plant. In the next few days, the Federal Institute will decide on the application. It was left open whether further inquiries regarding a release had been received. Dyckmans hopes to receive further inquiries because many patients are waiting for urgently needed medicines.

Meaningful reform for hospices and homes
Also reformed is the care of dying people. In order to ensure rapid pain relief in the last hours of life, homes and hospices should be allowed to create emergency supplies of narcotics. The specialized ambulant palliative care (SAPV) is reformed to the effect that now more the use of painkillers is no longer patient-bound, but already started packs can be used in an emergency for other seriously ill people. In addition, the further use of medically prescribed but no longer required narcotics should be further expanded. During a check, it must be proven that the medication is stored and stored in accordance with the regulations. If the storage sites are subject to regular regulatory review, the medicinal products may also be made available to other patients. The German Hospice Foundation welcomed the reform for cannabis remedies in the Narcotics Act. (Sb)

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Credit: TommyS