Cannabis reduces nerve pain

Cannabis reduces nerve pain / Health News

Cannabis consumption can relieve chronic nerve pain. That's what a Canadian study found.

(31.08.2010) Smoked cannabis in the form of so-called „joints“ can relieve chronic nerve pain. For the first time, this study focused on smoked cannabis use and its medical benefits. Marijuana smoking relieves pain, improves mood and helps to sleep Mark Ware of the Canadian McGill University in Montreal opposite the scientific journal "Canadian Medical Association Journal".

Several other studies have already explored the medicinal benefits of cannabis, particularly the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). For example, by amending the Narcotics Act, drugs containing the active ingredient THC will be released in the future for particularly serious illnesses.

What is new is that scientists are now exploring not only the health consequences of cannabis smoke drug use, but also medical added value. "To our knowledge, this is the first published study on smoked cannabis with outpatients," the authors report. Although numerous scientific studies have already investigated the effect of THC in tablet form. Smoked cannabis in the form of "joints", however, must be distinguished in its effect from the oral ingested preparations.

A total of 21 adults suffering from chronic nerve pain participated in the study. Under medical supervision, the study participants consumed 2.5 percent, 6 percent and 9.4 percent THC. For comparison, part of the subjects also consumed placebo without any drug. When the THC dose was increased, the symptoms of the disease were also reduced. The volunteers were able to sleep better with an increasing dose, and at the highest THC dose the nerve pain was significantly reduced.

Three daily smoked cannabis doses with 9.4 percent THC over 5 days would have significantly reduced the pain compared to the placebo, the researchers report. In order to secure the findings, further studies with significantly more subjects and a longer study time should now be carried out.

Reason of the study is the search for new treatment options. Because with nerve pain only very few preparations are available, some of which do not even reach the desired therapeutic goals. In case of nerve pain (neuralgia) the nerve structures are damaged. The damage in the nervous system leads to an abnormal excitability of the nerve cells, which then constantly emit melt pulses to the brain. Patients suffer from chronic pain. Typical symptoms include burning persistent pain, severe pain attacks and increased sensitivity to touch. (Sb)

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