Candida fungi Natural inhabitants of the vagina

Candida fungi Natural inhabitants of the vagina / Health News

Candida fungi: natural inhabitants of the vagina


Candida fungi are found in every human body and also live in the female vagina. However, if the balance of the mucosal barrier is disturbed, the yeast may, among other things, cause a vaginal yeast infection. Diabetics are particularly at risk.

Candida fungi are natural inhabitants of the vagina

Although the yeast fungus Candida albicans is a natural resident of the vagina, its abundance can be overwhelming „ecosystem“ The vagina gets out of balance. The candida fungi can then cause diseases such as vaginal yeast infection. Diabetic women are at particular risk when the level of sugar in the blood and subsequently in the vaginal tissue rises. Sugar is for the candida mushrooms „tidbit“, from which they proliferate.

Diabetic women are more likely to suffer from vaginal thrush
Professor Werner Mendling from the German Center for Infections in Gynecology and Obstetrics in Wuppertal, explained in the pharmacy magazine „Diabetes Guide“ (6/2014): „This is one of the reasons why women with diabetes are more likely to suffer from vaginal thrush.“ The main symptoms of this fungal infection are burning, vaginal discharge and itchy vagina. In addition, the vaginal entrance is often red and swollen. The discharge has white to yellowish color, is creamy or crumbly consistency (quark-like) and smells a bit of yeast. Particularly unpleasant is the massive itching, which is usually worse shortly before the period.

Sheath fungus is usually treated locally
In principle, gynecologist Mendling advises to go to the doctor because the symptoms such as burning, discharge and itching can also be triggered by other germs. Sheath fungus is usually treated locally with suppositories, vaginal tablets or creams containing an antifungal (anti-fungal). The funds, which are usually available over the counter in the pharmacy, should ideally be used in the evening, so that the active ingredient can spread well overnight. However, if the symptoms do not resolve within days, or if pain or fever subsides, then a gynecologist should be consulted.

Change linen and towels daily
As long as there is an infection, you should change washcloths, towels and laundry daily and wash at least 60 degrees with a heavy duty detergent. With increased sweating, the underwear can also be changed more frequently. Exaggerated intimate hygiene is not recommended, clear water or ph-neutral detergents are sufficient. When visiting the toilet, a wiping from the front to the back should be taken care of, so that intestinal bacteria can not be dragged into the vaginal area. Strengthen the immune system can contribute to prevention, as vaginal yeast infections often arise due to a weakened immune system. A vaginal yeast infection is not contagious. (Ad)