Candidoses yeast infections of the skin

Candidoses yeast infections of the skin / Health News

Candidoses - yeast infections of the skin


Those who think of skin fungus infections usually think of contagious skin fungi, foot or nail fungus. However, there are two types of fungi that can affect the skin: infectious filamentous fungi (dermatophytes) and yeasts (candida).

Many microorganisms live on the skin, including yeasts. Fungi of the species Candida can be detected in about 75 percent of humans. With a healthy immune system, the yeasts on the skin and mucous membranes are no problem. They live on the skin without being noticed. Under certain circumstances, there may be a proliferation of microscopic fungal organisms. Yeast mushrooms multiply especially when they find a moist and warm environment. Therefore, fungal infections on the mucous membranes, especially in the genital area, are among the most common fungal infections. But also on other parts of the skin, rashes can occur due to an overly active yeast population. In places where sweat accumulates, it can lead to a skin infection by the pathogens.

Not always contagious
Yeast infections of the skin are not always contagious, but should be treated. A rather harmless disease of the skin is, for example, the bran fungus. She is especially affected by younger adults. In Central Europe, about 1 to 4 percent of adults are affected by the skin infection caused by the yeast fungus Malassezia furfur. Under normal circumstances, the latter lives in the hair follicles of the skin and feeds on the fatty substances that occur in the sebum. If a lot of fat is available to the yeast fungus, it increases excessively. Especially in the summer months, when it is still warm and moist on the skin, it migrates from the follicles to the skin and manifests itself in reddish-brown, delimited patches on the skin. These can grow into so-called mushroom grasses. This is preferably found on the areas of the upper body, which have particularly many sebaceous glands. The non-contagious yeast infection is not treated otherwise than other dermatophyte infections.

In order to treat a yeast on the skin, antifungals are usually used, either as an ointment for application to the skin, or even orally in tablet form. Which special medicines are used, decides the treating dermatologist.

Study showed effect of naturopathy
A study by Portuguese scientists has shown that lavender oil helps to treat skin fungi. This showed that natural remedies are able to cure fungal infections. In addition, for example, on the page of the medical information portal further hints to skin fungi can be found. However, the information on the page does not save you from having to go to the dermatologist, because only he can reliably rule out other illnesses and others. (PM)