Back pain exercises in the office that really help

Working in the office is usually characterized by monotonous movements and unhealthy postures, which can lead to discomfort such as neck tension, back pain, shoulder pain, a mouse arm and similar impairments. By means of slight loosening or movement exercises in between, however, this impairment can usually be avoided.

Anette Wahl-Wachendorf, Vice President of the Association of Plant and Factory Physicians explains in a recent release of the news agency "dpa" three simple back exercises for the office working with pressure and back pressure. The exercises should loosen and stretch the neck, shoulders and back. The regular exercises in between help to avoid physical complaints as a result of bad posture. The interruption prevents the back from being stressed on one side for too long, which is often the cause of the pain, Wahl-Wachendorf told the dpa.
Relaxation for the neck
Loosening of the neck muscles can be achieved, according to the expert, by folding the hands in front of the forehead and pushing the head backwards while pushing it forward. This relaxes the neck muscles. Afterwards the exercises take place with folded hands behind the head, whereby again pressure and back pressure are built up. Emerging neck tension should be avoided.
Relief of the spine
In the second exercise, the office workers stand on tiptoe and try to reach the ceiling with their hands, which stretches the spine and loosens the back muscles "This exercise is best repeated ten times," said Wahl-Wachendorf in the announcement of "dpa ". Also here, stressful bad postures are interrupted and thus avoiding complications.
Relaxation of the shoulders
A relaxation of the shoulders can be achieved with the third recommended exercise that can be performed while sitting. For this purpose, the desk workers grab with their hands to the shoulders and paint with the elbows bent sideways circles in the air. Tension of the musculature in the shoulder area and further consequential complaints by persistent bad postures can thus be avoided. (Fp)