Federal Health Ministry launches research projects on cesarean sections

In a caesarean section, the fetus is surgically removed from the uterus. Experts have been discussing the overall sharp increase in cesarean sections for some time now. Now, the Federal Ministry of Health has awarded four research projects on Caesarean sections. The results obtained should be used as scientifically-based decision-making aids for physicians.
Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe reports in a press release on the Federal Ministry of Health's decision to award four research projects on caesarean sections: A caesarean section is an operative procedure. This brings health risks for both the mother and the child. Therefore, caesarean sections should only be performed if they are medically necessary. The meanwhile high Kaiserschnittrate in Germany and naturally also in many other states raise questions.

Is there really a medical need for all the caesarean sections? A question which in many cases is probably answered with "no". It is therefore important that the medical societies and experts develop a kind of guide, which will provide a scientific basis in the future for the decision for a caesarean section, said Gröhe. The four research projects commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Health should now help to inform pregnant women better and more extensively about caesarean sections and the associated dangers. Both pregnant women and their doctors, should always make their decision to protect mother and child on the basis of a good scientific basis, explains Gröhe.
The four topics of the research project:
The four research projects had a total order value of 150,000 euros. They should deal with the most important issues of care in four different topics:
1. The advice of pregnant women
2. The scheduled time of a caesarian section
3. Measures that can be taken to meet the dangers of caesarean section
4. The condition of the woman after her cesarean section
Experts want to create so-called interdisciplinary S3 guideline Caesarean sections
The contractors of the four research projects are the Institute for Research in Operative Medicine, University of Witten-Herdecke and also the Institute Cochrane Germany in Freiburg. The results obtained from the research projects will then be included in the so-called "interdisciplinary S3 guideline on Caesarean sections". This is currently being developed by the responsible medical societies, the Federal Ministry of Health explained in the press release.
Almost every third child in Germany is born by caesarean section
Although there are some critical views on caesarean sections, almost every third child in Germany now comes by caesarean section. But experts want to go back to natural birth, Caesarean sections should be the exception. So when the question arises: Caesarean section or natural birth, women should opt for the natural way possible.
Consequences of complications in vaginal birth sometimes severe
Many women choose a caesarean section because they are afraid of the pain of a natural birth, medical experts report. Of course, there are exceptions, which should be dispensed with a natural birth. For example, if complications are to be expected in the birth process. The consequences of massive complications in vaginal delivery can be serious for both mother and especially the child. On the other hand, such incidents rarely happen during cesarean section.
Many cesarean sections are billed as an emergency operation
The reasons for a caesarean section are many: If the baby is in the pelvic or too large for the maternal pelvis, a caesarean section should be performed, experts explain. But doctors seem to recommend an operation too often rather than a natural birth. Another reason for the increase in cesarean sections might be the billing system of clinics. In 2009 it was announced that hospitals can settle for emergency caesarean sections more than for a planned caesarean section. Since then, hospitals in Germany seem to settle their C-section births more and more frequently as expensive emergency surgery. (As)