Nationwide callback action Metal particles in snacks and sunflower bread

Nationwide callback action Metal particles in snacks and sunflower bread / Health News

Snack items and sunflower bread recalled due to foreign objects

The company XOX has launched a nationwide recall for various snack items. The affected products may contain foreign bodies. In addition, in parts of Germany a sunflower bread is being recalled because of possibly contained metal particles.

Possible impurities in snack items

The company XOX pastry GmbH from Hameln in Lower Saxony calls back nationwide several snacks because of possible impurities. According to a statement from the company, metal abrasion was detected in some products. Consumption of the product concerned is discouraged. The BB Rösner Backstube GmbH & Co. KG from Würzburg (Bavaria) has also started a product recall: In a sunflower bread of the bakery metal particles could be baked.

The company XOX pastry GmbH recalls several snack items because of possible impurities. Even a bakery from southern Germany has started a recall: In one of their bread metal particles could be baked. (Image: Syda Productions /

Metal abrasion detected

A statement from XOX states: "For reasons of preventive consumer protection, the company XOX Gebäck GmbH recalls the following products because some products have been found to have metal abrasion and therefore the consumption of the following products is not recommended:"

XOX Chips Snack Ketchup 125g (EAN: 4031446810218)  MHD: 10.10.2018

XOX Chips Snack Barrier 125g (EAN: 4031446811758)  Shelf life: 11.10.2018 and best before: 12.10.2018

Bravo Snack Mix 100g (EAN: 0000022686541)  MHD: 16.08.2018 and best before: 17.08.2018

Bravo Pommes Snack Ketchup 100g (EAN: 0000024119801) • MHD: 17.08.2018 and best before: 18.08.2018

The articles were offered throughout Germany.

If necessary, consult a doctor

According to the company, it has now been decided that the affected products in the affected markets were taken out of the sale.

Any remaining packs of the aforementioned items with the corresponding best-before date can be returned for a refund of the purchase price at the place of purchase.

If consumers consume one of the affected products, but have not experienced any complaints, "it can not be assumed that there is any injury," the company writes.

"If you feel unwell, we recommend visiting a doctor and informing him of your suspicions."

Baked metal particles in bread

BB Rösner Backstube GmbH & Co.KG has also started a recall. The bakery calls back the article Sunflower Bread 750g, which was sold on 8.1.2018.

In this bread metal particles could be baked.

The product was sold on 8 January in numerous shops in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. These can be found on the company's website.

"Customers who have bought the article can return this for reimbursement of the purchase price or exchange, of course, without presenting the receipt in their shops," the company writes. (Ad)