Nationwide ice recall campaign It is better not to consume this chocolate ice cream anymore

Nationwide ice recall campaign It is better not to consume this chocolate ice cream anymore / Health News

Not excellent allergens in chocolate ice cream from Langnese

The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety is currently warning of a possible health risk posed by the Langnese ice cream "Viennetta Schokolade" in its 650 milliliter packaging. As the manufacturer informs, unintentional allergenic substances of hazelnut have gotten into the ice, which are not mentioned on the packaging. Violent allergic reactions can not be excluded in persons with food allergy.

The consumer protection portal "" informs about a current recall at Lagnese Eis. According to the manufacturer hazelnut allergens have come in individual packs of chocolate ice cream "Viennetta chocolate 650 ml". For hazelnut allergy sufferers, this could be a health risk. Langnese and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection advise these persons from consumption. For reasons of precautionary consumer protection, all affected products are recalled.

Some packs of ice cream "Viennetta Chocolate 650 ml" contain unmarked hazelnut allergens that pose a health hazard to hazelnut allergic persons. (Image:

Which articles are affected

According to the manufacturer, packs are affected by the Lot Code L8047BA004, the production time between 11:00 and 12:00 and the sell-by date February 2020. The "Viennetta" chocolate ice cream was distributed in various discount stores in the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Langnese assures that non-allergic people can continue to eat the product safe.

What health hazard is caused by allergens??

A food allergy can affect both children and adults. The immune system is hypersensitive to certain substances in the diet. Allergenic substances such as hazelnuts can cause severe reactions in allergic persons. The body falsely rates the allergic substances as harmful and tries to get rid of these substances through detoxification and excretion processes. Allergic reactions can be manifested by the following symptoms that appear shortly after consumption:

  • diarrhea,
  • stomach pain,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • itchy rash,
  • Swelling on hands,
  • facial swelling,
  • swollen feet.

In extreme cases, an allergic shock threatens

In the worst case, life-threatening allergic shock can be triggered by allergenic substances. However, this is very unlikely in food allergies. In an allergic shock, there is a drop in blood pressure with increase in heart rate and respiratory distress, from which a cardiac arrest can result. (Vb)