Breast augmentation from B to D during the lunch break

New US trend: "Instabreasts". During the lunch break from cup size B to double D
Lisa Gilbert wants to have her breasts enlarged. But only for a while: „My husband wants me to wear at least two cup sizes bigger. And now I give him bigger breasts for Christmas. But a permanent breast augmentation is for the 37-year-old housewife and mother from New York never in question. But now she is wearing B for two days instead of B, huge doubles D. The latest trend in the US is now called "breast augmentation on time". Only for one day and one night.
The latest US cosmetic beauty trend allows women to have larger breasts for 24 hours. Like the New York cosmetic surgeon Norman Rowe over the „ABC News“ reported, the magnification would then regress again. For 2016, the doctor is now planning the launch of "holiday breasts", which should last up to three weeks and „perfect for a special occasion“ are.
More and more new options in the field of cosmetic corrections
Toe shortening, umbilical correction or dimpling - besides the „classical“ Liposuction creates more and more new possibilities in the field of beauty medicine. The latest trend from the US is a temporary breast augmentation, through which women can get a larger bust size for a maximum of 24 hours. Then, according to the developer of the so-called breast „InstaBreasts, the New York beauty surgeon Norman Rowe, back in the „normal state“ back, even if she may be a bit more attached than before.
Risk of nerve damage and increased risk of infection
Breast augmentation for one day is performed using a simple saline injection, the physician explains. However, according to experts, a possible sagging chest does not represent the greatest risk, but far more dangerous is the increased risk of infection and possible nerve damage or hematomas that could result from the procedure. A repeated injection could also bring "stress for the bosom" and possibly increase the risk of breast cancer, so the assessment of German doctors to the magazine "Focus". For Norman Rowe, however, these objections are nothing to worry about, instead he sees only advantages in his new method: „24 hours are great. The women have the chance to try the feeling of bigger breasts“, so the physician to the US news channel „ABC News“. The surgery would take only 20 minutes, would cost the artificial breasts currently 2500 US dollars (equivalent to 2000 euros).
„Holiday breasts“ for special occasions
In addition to the „Instant breasts "would the cosmetic surgeon claims to have a so-called „Holiday Breast“ to offer. This is expected to come on the market from 2016 and provide for two to three weeks for a larger bust size, Rowe continues. This procedure is „Perfect“ for a special occasion, such as a wedding or a holiday, women could also anticipate how a life with larger breasts could actually be. „You can use 3-D imaging and put implants in bras, "says Rowe, „but it's another thing to see how the weight actually feels and what it will be like to live with the new breasts. "Prior to this, however, the idea still needs to be reviewed and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration the doctor does not cause any problems because the new product contains substances that are already widely used in medicine. (nr)
Picture: djsulivan