Breast augmentation patients often ill-advised

Breast augmentation: Patients often ill-advised.
(26.08.2010) One in the magazine „test“ published study of the Stiftung Warentest makes it clear that many patients are advised against breast augmentation only insufficiently. Above all, the education about possible complications and risks of surgery is often insufficient.
In the investigation of four breast centers of public hospitals and three private clinic associations, the Stiftung Warentest found that the patients, although the possible direct consequences of the operation, such. As well as pain and swelling, well informed, but far too little on problems, such as the slipping of implants or tissue hardening, is received.
Of the facilities tested, only the Interdisciplinary Breast Center of the Berlin Charité offered a "comprehensive" medical consultation, which advised some patients even from the procedure or recommended them to rethink it again. For the other institutions, the advice was consistently "incomplete", at Luisenkrankenhaus Düsseldorf even "very incomplete", the results of the study. Although especially in esthetic operations such as breast augmentation, a detailed consultation in the opinion of the experts is especially required ...
The private clinics were able to collect advantages over the public in terms of advance information and service. Nevertheless, the result was often insufficient. For example, in the tested private facilities of at least one female patient, implants that were too large were recommended. Also in terms of the education of the qualification of the doctor, the expected costs and the course of the operation did not cut particularly well in the investigation. (Fp)