Broccoli lowers the risk of breast cancer

Broccoli lowers the risk of breast cancer / Health News

Broccoli for Breast Cancer - New Opportunities for Cancer Therapy?


Broccoli, kohlrabi and other cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of breast cancer in old age. Chinese scientists from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou have found that high consumption of cruciferous vegetables reduces the likelihood of breast cancer in older women by 15 percent. Now more studies will follow to verify the results.

For some time already, the positive effect of broccoli on cancer has been speculated and researched. For example, scientists from Heidelberg University Hospital published their first studies on the inhibitory effects of broccoli and related vegetables on cancer growth back in 2008. The plant substance sulforaphane therefore showed a very positive effect in addition to conventional chemotherapy. The results of the Chinese researchers now suggest that broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables also have a preventive effect - at least on breast cancer - unfold.

Broccoli reduces breast cancer risk by 15 percent in old age
The researchers led by Xiaojiao Liu and Kezhen Lv from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou evaluated the data from 13 individual studies involving a total of 18,673 patients as part of their metastatic study. Their results were in the trade magazine „Breast“ released. The analysis of possible correlations between high consumption of cruciferous vegetables and the likelihood of breast cancer on the basis of healthy and already ill subjects has shown that broccoli and Co. cause significantly reduced breast cancer risk, the Chinese authors write. Therefore, among the study participants with the highest consumption, the risk of breast cancer was 15 percent lower than that of women with the lowest consumption of cruciferous vegetables. As soon as only the data of younger women before menopause were taken into account, the effect leveled out and no corresponding relationship could be demonstrated. According to the researchers, this could indicate a mechanism of action via estrogen levels.

Vegetables for cancer prevention?
The Chinese scientists also see in the preventive effect of broccoli and Co. on breast cancer a possible justification for the national differences in breast cancer risk. In some countries, the likelihood of having breast cancer is five times higher than in others. Here further studies would have to check possible correlations with the use of cruciferous vegetables. The cruciferous vegetables include, for example, white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi and radishes. Among the potential anti-cancer substances are included indole-3-carbinol and isothiocyanates (eg sulforaphane). So far, a positive effect of the broccoli ingredients, for example against tumors of the pancreas by researchers at the University Hospital Heidelberg has been clearly scientifically proven. However, the plant substances have been tested only as a supplement to chemotherapy. A preventive use of the cruciferous vegetables for cancer prevention has not yet been investigated. (Fp)

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Image: Annamartha