Broccoli protects against diabetes

Broccoli protects against diabetes / Health News

Broccoli protects against diabetes.

(23.08.2010) Green leafy vegetables reduce the risk of diabetes. Especially cabbages such as broccoli, cauliflower and spinach have a positive effect. Based on a study, scientists have found that vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower can reduce the risk of diabetes many times over. However, it also depends on how regularly you eat the vegetables to stay healthy.

Scientists at the University of Leicester have analyzed around 220,000 records from six fruit and vegetable studies and are now reporting their results in the US „British Medical Journal“ released. It became clear that fruit and vegetable consumption does not generally reduce the diabetes risk, but only green leafy vegetables can have a clearly positive effect here.

Green leafy vegetables, however, significantly reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes (adult onset diabetes). So the research team comes to Melanie Davies in „British Medical Journal“ to the conclusion that a daily dose of 106 grams reduces the risk of diabetes by 14 percent.

Why only green leafy vegetables develop such an effect is not yet clear. The scientists suspect that this could be related to antioxidants such as vitamin C or the high magnesium content of the vegetables. It is clear that green leafy vegetables have a number of positive effects on the human immune system. Thus, e.g. Broccoli our immune system so that virus infections of the intestine can be warded off and even the spread of cancer cells can be slowed down, the scientists said the University often Leisester. The active ingredient of this process is, according to a 2007 in the „Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry“ published study, Diindolylmethan (DIM), which is formed on the consumption of cabbage vegetables from the ingredient indole-3-carbinol. In addition, broccoli contains a variety of other active ingredients, which is said to have a positive effect. So helps z. B. isothiocyanates in bladder cancer and sulforaphane protects the digestive tract from inflammation and ulcers.

Type 2 diabetes, which affects about 90 percent of diabetics, is prevalent in modern industrialized nations, with sufferers of so-called old-age diabetes on average getting younger and younger. However, there are some ways to protect yourself prophylactically from the disease. Exercise, weight loss and a balanced diet are measures that every person can take on their own. In this context, the results of the current study on the consumption of leafy green vegetables provide additional opportunities to counteract type 2 diabetes. (Fp)

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