Brown mushrooms taste better

Brown mushrooms taste better / Health News
More and more, not only white but also brown mushrooms are offered in supermarkets and greengrocers. "But where is the difference?" Many ask. First, white mushrooms are slightly cheaper than their brown relatives. There are also differences in durability. But above all, the taste is different.

Brown mushrooms are more intense in taste. Photo: ExQuisine / fotolia

Mushrooms are popular cultivated mushrooms. Initially, only the brown mushroom was cultivated. The white variety has been on the market since the beginning of the last century. They hardly differ in their nutritional content. Both types of mushrooms are extremely low in calories and rich in various minerals, B vitamins and protein. Brown mushrooms, however, are often more expensive than white ones.

Brown mushrooms grow slower
"They grow slower and the yield is lower than the white variety," explains Daniela Krehl, nutrition expert of the consumer center Bavaria, the price difference. The dark variety contains less moisture. "This in turn means that their meat is firmer and they are more intense in flavor," says Daniela Krehl. Due to the lower water content, brown mushrooms also last longer and hardly shrink during preparation.

Low-calorie mushrooms
The water content is very high at 91 percent. Therefore, the mushrooms shrink very quickly during cooking. The fat content is just one percent. Mushrooms are good for calorie-reduced cooking. Because in 100 grams only 24 calories are included. Brown and white mushrooms contain essential amino acids, vitamins K, D, E and B, niacin, as well as the minerals potassium, iron and zinc. (Sb)