Brazil vacationers Health experts urge yellow fever vaccination

Brazil vacationers Health experts urge yellow fever vaccination / Health News

Yellow fever in Brazil continues to spread: vaccination recommendation for travelers

After a prolonged period of suffering from a Zika epidemic in Brazil, there is currently an accumulation of yellow fever infections in the South American country. Also vacationers are affected. Health experts advise travelers to take a vaccine.

Increase in yellow fever virus activity in Brazil

After the long-lasting Zika epidemic, Brazil is plagued by yet another tropical disease: "Since December 2016, Brazil has seen an increase in yellow fever virus activity," the World Health Organization (WHO) writes in a recent statement informing that now too the metropolis of São Paulo is declared a risk zone for yellow fever infection. The background is a renewed outbreak of infectious disease in various states of the South American country.

Yellow fever infections are currently on the rise in Brazil. Health experts recommend travelers get vaccinated. (Image: nechaevkon /

Vaccination recommendation extended

"After the World Health Organization (WHO) yellow fever vaccination recommendation was extended to the entire state of Rio de Janeiro and the state of São Paulo with the exception of the city of São Paulo in March / April 2017, the recommendation is now extended to the city of São Paulo" , reports the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

Yellow-fever cases in monkeys suggest a circulation of the mosquito-borne yellow fever virus in the region.

Among other things, as early as the end of 2017, inner-city parks in São Paulo and near forest areas were closed.

In addition, at the beginning of the year, several human yellow fever diseases were recorded among people in Greater São Paulo, allegedly after their stay in the nearby town of Mariporá. A European traveler was also affected.

Ill back from vacation

According to a message from the CRM Center for Travel Medicine, this was a 46-year-old Dutchman who returned to the Netherlands at the beginning of January after spending several weeks in Maripora.

He reported a high fever, headache, muscle aches, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

In a clinic in Rotterdam confirmed the suspicion of yellow fever against which the traveler was not vaccinated.

"The case in Holland shows how important a yellow fever vaccine is when traveling to Brazil - especially when traveling to areas previously considered to be free of yellow fever," said Professor Dr. Tomas Jelinek, Scientific Director of the CRM Center for Travel Medicine.

Infections can be fatal

Yellow fever is transmitted by nocturnal and nocturnal mosquitoes. The infection starts suddenly with a high fever and general signs of illness. Usually the illness heals afterwards.

However, it can also lead to a dramatic worsening of jaundice and bleeding, followed by heart, circulatory, liver and kidney failure. These complications often lead to death.

"Yellow fever infections can be fatal," said Professor Jelinek, "but the vaccine is highly effective and provides reliable protection."

This is already ten days after vaccination on average at 80 to 100 percent, 30 days thereafter, an immunity of virtually 100 percent is given.

"We therefore recommend travelers with Destination Brazil to be vaccinated against yellow fever no later than ten days before departure," says the expert.

"The vaccine must be administered in accordance with the International Health Agreements in state-approved yellow fever vaccines," explains the RKI on its website.

"The vaccination is documented in the yellow international vaccination certificate."

Avoid mosquito bites

"In addition, they should, for example, in the context of a travel medical consultation to inform what measures they can take to avoid mosquito bites," said Professor Jelinek.

To wear bright, loose clothes and to use mosquito nets are measures that help against annoying mosquitoes.

Above all, the chemical defense is effective. As mosquito repellent agents are recommended with the active ingredient DEET (diethyltoluamide). (Ad)