Brown spots on the teeth

Brown spots on the teeth / symptoms
Brown spots on the teeth are primarily a cosmetic problem. But such discolorations are not always harmless. They can also have serious causes.


  • Where do the stains occur?
  • Formation of discoloration
  • Caries can develop from harmless spots
  • Treatment of tooth decay
  • Professional tooth cleaning
  • Protection against discoloration
  • Tooth discoloration in children
  • home remedies
  • Coconut oil for oil pulling
  • mouthwash
  • Diet for white teeth

Where do the stains occur?

Brown spots on the teeth are usually found in narrow spots, on the gum line, on the edge of fillings and on the insides of the upper and lower anterior teeth.

Brown spots on the teeth can have different causes, not always caries must be the trigger. Often, the discoloration can be removed relatively easily. (Photo: Subbotina Anna /

Formation of discoloration

External discoloration on the teeth results from frequent consumption of red wine, coffee, black tea, juices, garlic, spices and nicotine. Some mouthwashes contain substances that can also cause brown spots.

Caries can develop from harmless spots

Brown spots on the teeth are not always harmless. Because these can also mean tooth decay. At first there are only small discolorations, later cold and heat sensitivity are added - even sweets can sometimes hurt. In the further course of pain and possibly bleeding gums on - the sites are soft.

Whether it is harmless discoloration or decay, it should be clarified. For brown spots, which do not want to give way through regular brushing, a visit to the dentist is necessary - once too often, too rarely.

Treatment of tooth decay

Luckily, caries can now be detected and treated at an early stage, provided that the dentist is regularly visited. Before a hole is there, this disease can be stopped without drilling. That's why regular checks are essential.

In the early stages, the plaque is removed with professional methods, an antibacterial mouthwash recommended and additionally taken the diet under the microscope. This should be absolutely low in sugar. Eventually, a fluoride varnish is applied to the teeth. It only has to be drilled if a hole has already been created.

If tooth decay is the cause of the brown spots on the teeth, a dentist should urgently be consulted, in order to avoid far-reaching health risks. (Image: ia_64 /

Professional tooth cleaning

Even with good oral hygiene, bacteria that accumulate and brown spots may form in places that are not accessible with normal brushing. Here, a professional tooth cleaning helps. Even stubborn deposits, also called tartar, can be removed with such a special cleaning. And this is important, because tartar, if not removed, can lead to diseases of the teeth and gums.

Hard coverings are removed with hand instruments, soft coverings with ultrasound and discolorations (such as brown spots) with powder blasting equipment. The teeth are then polished and a fluoride-containing varnish is applied. Fear of it is unfounded - the whole procedure may be a bit uncomfortable in some places, but it does not hurt.

Protection against discoloration

So that brown spots and other tooth discolorations do not occur at all, sufficient oral hygiene in conjunction with regular fluoride intake is essential.

When brushing your teeth, the right time is very important. Sugar is generally not healthy - everyone knows that. However, sugar in the body is metabolized to acid and in the mouth is produced by the bacteria there acid, which can then attack the teeth. So that the enamel is not attacked, the teeth should be serviced for half an hour to one hour after eating. During this time, saliva forms, which can neutralize the accumulated acid. To help with the process, a sugar-free gum helps. It is also advisable when eating fruit. However, not everyone can wait in the morning. Here: First rinse your mouth with clear water and then brush gently with a soft toothbrush. Many dentists recommend fluoride-containing toothpastes because they are supposed to cause remineralization.

The formation of stains on the teeth can be minimized by thorough brushing, but some details should be noted. (Image: Voyagerix /

Unfortunately not all positions can be reached with the toothbrush. Interdental brushes and / or dental floss help here. Cleaning the interdental spaces should be part of brushing every tooth - especially before going to bed in the evening. In addition, the application still helps with an electric irrigator.

It is recommended to disinfect the toothbrush with grapefruit seed extract. Of these, two drops are mixed with a little water. The toothbrush remains in it for about five to ten minutes. This is best done once or twice a week.

Tooth discoloration in children

Brown spots on the teeth or other tooth discoloration can unfortunately occur even in small children. For example, this is possible as part of a tetracycline treatment. Even if the expectant mother gets tetracyclines in the second half of pregnancy, this can have a negative effect on the small teeth of the child. A very rare disease, congenital erythropoietic porphyria is an inherited metabolic disease that affects blood formation. In the context of this disease, reddish-brown tooth discolorations may form.

home remedies

Most home remedies and tips that are in circulation to remove brown spots from your teeth should be viewed more critically. These include baking soda, baking soda, lemon juice, turmeric or hydrogen peroxide. All these "simple" remedies, especially if used on a regular basis, can damage tooth enamel and even lead to inflammation of the gums.

Coconut oil for oil pulling

Coconut oil is a simple and, above all, healthy home remedy that has a positive influence on the oral flora and, in addition, can alleviate or even eliminate slight discolorations such as brown spots on the teeth. Coconut oil works against bleeding gums, is anti-inflammatory, defense-enhancing, antibacterial and provides a pleasant mouthfeel.

Regularity is important here. For this, every morning before brushing your teeth, clean the tongue with a tongue scraper. Then the oil pulling begins with the coconut oil. For this, a teaspoon or tablespoonful of oil is put into the mouth, pressed through the teeth, sucked and the mouth rinsed with it - all for up to 20 minutes. Under no circumstances should the oil be swallowed afterwards, since this has absorbed all the poisons from the oral cavity, which should definitely be spit out. Spitting is best done in a paper towel and not in the drain.

Only then, the teeth are cleaned conventionally - preferably with a toothpaste, based on many natural ingredients, such as an Ayurvedic toothpaste.

A mouthwash made of birch sugar serves at the same time for oral hygiene and remineralization of the teeth. (Image: Heike Rau /


A conventional mouthwash should not be used, as most of the oral flora damage with regular use. It is recommended to rinse with a mouthwash containing xylitol (birch sugar). A xylitol solution supports the remineralization of the teeth and ensures a good oral climate.

Diet for white teeth

Proper nutrition supports the whiteness of our teeth. Apples, carrots, green beans, cauliflower and celery ensure healthy teeth whitening and also protect the gums. Hard cheese can counteract the development of dental plaque. The pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on our gums. Also recommended are citrus fruits. They not only strengthen our defense, but stimulate saliva production. After eating, however, a break of at least half an hour to one hour before the next brushing should be kept, so that the acids can not attack the enamel. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)