Blood donations Red Cross launches special promotion

Blood donations Red Cross launches special promotion / Health News

Blood donations: Red Cross launches special promotion


As every year, the number of blood donors drops during the Christmas and winter holidays. The German Red Cross (DRC) therefore always tries to motivate people to campaign for blood donations. In the Ruhr area a DRK special campaign starts.

Blood donations sink in the winter holidays
During the Christmas and winter holidays, most Germans at home make themselves especially comfortable. Others spend their time skiing or have sought refuge from the European cold on a distant island. Since at this time, as every year, the number of blood donors is falling, the German Red Cross (DRC) is trying to motivate more people to donate with campaigns.

Special offer in the Ruhr area
For the Ruhr area, the blood donation West West of the DRC has come up with something special. From January 1st to March 31st there will be the action „Ruhr-moments“ carried out. During this period, special winnings will be raffled among all blood donors in Mülheim, Duisburg, Essen and Oberhausen. All in all, 150 people should be able to enjoy profits over the entire campaign period.

„moments“ will be raffled
Things are being raffled off of life that you can not just buy, „moments“ just, which one does not forget so fast. Among other things, the blood donation will be rewarded with: Ruhrpott comedy in Duisburg Steinhof, a look behind the scenes of the Essen police headquarters, a view from the RWE tower, an insight into the food and meat production of Mc Donald's Food Town, a visit to the Oberhausener Salt cave or a nightly expedition on Zeche Zollverein.

Certain groups excluded
First-time donors are generally considered to be between 18 and 65 years old and healthy. The donors are examined by a doctor before taking the blood. Checked are blood pressure, pulse and respiration. In addition, various parameters were checked during blood collection and, if not yet known, the blood type was determined free of charge. Normally, before blood donations, personal questions about sexuality should also be answered. According to the guidelines of the German Medical Association, certain groups of persons are permanently excluded as blood donors. These include, inter alia, people with frequently changing sexual partners, male and female prostitutes, homosexuals, prison inmates and alcohol, drug and drug addicts. Diseases such as hepatitis, HIV or syphilis are further permanent exclusion criteria.

Dates on the Internet
Such an action takes place in the Ruhr area for the first time. In the four mentioned cities, blood can be donated to numerous places by the end of March. Appointments can be found on the Internet at: or on the freephone number 0800 11 949 11. General information on donating blood and dates for all of Germany can be found under. (Ad)