Blood test for dioxin does not make sense

Blood test for dioxin does not make sense / Health News

Federal Environment Agency: blood test for dioxin currently not useful


From a blood test for dioxin advises the Commission Human Biomonitoring (HBM) of the Federal Office for the Environment. A proof for dioxin in the form of a test is indeed possible, but one could hardly differentiate the concentration from background burdens. The possible consumption of dioxin eggs or contaminated meat had worried many people. Many, therefore, want to know if they have poisoned themselves to a considerable extent with the toxic substance. However, a test can hardly bring clarity. A spokesman for the commission said: „The human exposure to dioxins depends on many factors“, it is said by the HBM Commission. Humans are burdened with minimal contamination of dioxins throughout their lives. A salary can even be determined shortly after birth.

Dioxins also accumulate in the organism, with the content increasing with age. The degree of stress, however, differs depending on the diet and the burden of each food. Compared to lifelong contamination, the Authority believes that it is an amusing consumption of contaminated meat or eggs „comparatively low“. It is difficult to tell whether it is a manufactured value of current burdens or whether other indicators played a role. From this point of view, HBM is currently discouraging a test because it can not provide clarity from a medical point of view. (Sb)

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