Raise blood pressure and chest pain Call emergency doctor

Raise blood pressure and chest pain Call emergency doctor / Health News

Suddenly high blood pressure and pressure in the chest: Call emergency doctor immediately


Patients with heart disease should regularly measure their blood pressure. If the self-measurement shows a strong increase in values ​​and cardiac patients additionally experience chest pain or a feeling of pressure on the chest, a heart attack could possibly be announced. Patients should immediately call an emergency doctor, as the German Heart Foundation e.V. declared.

Especially in acute cardiovascular complaints patients should not let too much time pass. If abnormal blood pressure increases, which may be associated with other symptoms such as chest pain and / or pressure on the chest during regular blood pressure measurements, could possibly announce a heart attack. In such a situation it is necessary to immediately inform the emergency doctor under 112 (Germany). This is especially true when high blood pressure combined with pain, burning or pressure in the chest occurs, said Prof. Thomas Budde of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Heart Foundation.

According to the cardiologist, especially the described combinations are questionable if the blood pressure increases despite somatic rest at one systolic (upper value) to 190 to 200 mmHg and is not as usual under 140 mmHg.

Other warnings related to hypertension
Patients who suddenly experience shortness of breath, seizures such as epilepsy, speech problems, or paralysis may also experience a heart attack or stroke immediately. The symptoms explained may indicate that the blood vessel walls or the heart chamber can no longer withstand the high blood pressure. According to the physician, there is a risk of dangerous cardiovascular damage occurring within a short time. If systolic values ​​mentioned in a routine blood pressure measurement are measured without causing discomfort, hypertension may be present. Patients should make an appointment with their GP immediately to check and, if necessary, discontinue blood pressure. (Sb)

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