Sphygmomanometer belongs in every household

Sphygmomanometer belongs in every household / Health News

A sphygmomanometer belongs in every household


In every household belong a sphygmomanometer, as well as the usually contained scales or the clinical thermometer. This could be a contribution to the early detection of hypertension.

Hypertension and its consequences
There should be a sphygmomanometer in every household. The two physicians of the Elisabethinen hospital in Linz, the cardiologist Hans Joachim Nesser and the nephrologist Rainer Oberbauer advised in a press conference on the occasion of a congress with around 300 participants: „Hypertension and its consequences“, which started on Thursday in Linz. New methods for the early diagnosis of consequential hypertension were also presented.

Everyone should know about their blood pressure
The two specialists work together, as high blood pressure in the long term destroys the kidneys, but kidney disease can also lead to hypertension. In Austria, around two million people suffer from hypertension and an estimated 800,000 suffer from renal impairment. The experts said: „A meter at home would be ideal, because everyone should know about his blood pressure. - If more than 60 percent of people believe that they can recognize elevated blood pressure symptoms, especially in the initial stage is wrong.“

Obesity increases especially in children
The problem is likely to increase in the future as the number of people with high blood pressure continues to rise. Overweight is increasing worldwide, especially in children. In adolescents, this means a fourfold higher risk of developing too high a blood pressure in later years. This applies to every second to third person from the age of 60.

New methods presented
The Linz Congress also presented two new methods for diagnosing consequential damage. Among other things, heart ultrasound to detect the disturbed muscle function at normal pump power. High pressure causes a reduction in the muscle deformation of the heart. The second method presented is the detection of the high pressure stiffness of the arteries by measuring the speed of pulse waves. By means of computed tomography the microcalcification in the coronary vessels can be determined.

Good treatment options
According to the specialists, there are also new ways of treatment. Thus, a catheter procedure in the renal arteries to remedy if patients can not be adequately adjusted medication. Around 20 companies worldwide are currently working on the further development of such catheter probes. In many cases, there are also natural ways to treat high blood pressure good treatment options. Exercise can help to control hypertension. Moderate endurance sports (walking, cycling, jogging, swimming), which are often and regularly practiced in smaller sections, have proven to be the most successful. (Ad)

Image: Dieter Schütz