blood pressure

blood pressure /
Blood pressure is a value that indicates the pressure of the blood in a vein. It is directly related to cardiac output and vascular resistance. The blood pressure is highest in the aorta and decreases as the bloodstream progresses, until the blood has circulated and reaches the heart again. The blood pressure value is given in mmHg (millimeter-mercury column) and is normally about 120/80 mmHg. The first value indicates the systolic blood pressure, which describes the maximum blood pressure after contraction of the left ventricle. The second value is the diastolic blood pressure, which is significantly lower and occurs during the relaxation phase of the ventricle.

From a value of 140/90 mmHg one speaks of a hypertension. It is hardly perceived by the person concerned, but it can have a negative effect on health and increase the risk of various diseases such as arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease as well as permanently damage the heart muscle. High blood pressure requires medical treatment, but there are also home remedies that can naturally lower blood pressure. Blood pressure values ​​below 100/60 mmHg are referred to as low blood pressure. Low blood pressure should be clarified with a doctor, as this may indicate, for example, an hypothyroidism or heart failure. Slightly fluctuating blood pressure values ​​at different times of the day are normal to a certain extent. But should it come within a short period of time to high blood pressure fluctuations, a doctor should be consulted. (Vb)

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