Bras leach out the breast tissue

Bras leach out the breast tissue / Health News

Sports doctor warns about „wear out“ of the breast tissue


A French sports physician examined the breasts of 320 women and concluded that bras are used to leach the breast tissue. When young women start wearing bras, they would over time „dependent“ from the bra, although they would not have needed a bra originally, says Jean-Denis Rouillon.

Bras let breast tissue relax
Actually BH should support the chest and give her support. But that's exactly what sports doctor Jean-Denis Rouillon of the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon questions. As part of a 15-year research, the French doctor has come to the conclusion that wearing bras is not generally beneficial. Rouillon examined the breasts of 320 women who volunteered.

„Medical, physiological, anatomical - Breasts have no advantage when held against gravity. On the contrary, they become flabby through the bra,“ told Rouillon „France Info Radio“. The „suspension“ Inside the chest, wearing a bra will force you to inactivity, causing the tissue to flex over time. Then the woman will „dependent“ from the brassiere, although she was not originally dependent on him.

Without bra better breathing and less back pain
The 28-year-old runner Capucine Vercellotti was one of Rouillon's subjects. She did not wear any more while running. After five minutes, it did not hurt anymore, so Vercelotti. „It has many advantages: I breathe easily, I support myself better and I have less back pain, "Vercelotti reported „France Info“. In the bra she feels "meanwhile no longer well".

However, Rouillon's results are, according to their own statements, provisional. The subjects participated voluntarily in the study and did not represent a representative cross-section of the female world population dar. The internal structure of the breast must be examined in each case to be able to make individual statements. A 45-year-old, who had three children, the sports physician could not in principle advise against wearing a bra.

How much the wearing of a bra leads to hanging breasts, must be investigated in further studies. Basically, the slackening of the tissue is part of the natural aging process. (Sb)