Bras leach out the fabric and make you addicted

Bras leach out the fabric and make you addicted / Health News

Bras can "leach" the breast tissue according to a study


The feminist women's movement warned in the 60s before the brassiere. They served only to show the female breast and fulfilled no closer medical sense. After around 15 years of intensive specialist research, a sports physician now confirms this apparently forgotten position.

„Bras do not make any sense and are even counterproductive“, this is the conclusion of the physician Jean-Denis Rouillon from the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon. On Wednesday, the sports physician published his study results. Over the course of the years, Rouillon had examined, measured and evaluated the results of around 320 women. A bra leads to a connective tissue weakness of the breast, so the study result.

Depending on the bra
Catch young women wearing brassieres as soon as the breast forms into a female breast, „The natural suspension of the breast in the woman's body is condemned to inaction“, explains the doctor. As a result, the breast tissue from a woman often feared literally leiere „hanging chest“ arises. As soon as such a situation arises, will „the woman depends on the bra“, although she did not need a bra at all.

Athlete is only running without a bra
The study participants included the well-known 28-year-old runner Capucine Vercellotti. In a small experiment, the athlete agreed to no longer wear a sports bra while running. Many women wear sports bras, especially in sports, so they do not feel uncomfortable when running. But: "After five minutes, it did not hurt anymore," says Vercelotti. Today the situation looks completely changed. Now when she is wearing a brassiere, she feels like saying so „not well at all“. Without a bra, for example, you fall „breathing much easier“.

Resulate not yet scientifically confirmed
Rouillon himself does not want to view his study results as the absolute. The findings can only „provisional and not exhaustive“ be valid. After all, his subjects have voluntarily participated in the test series and are therefore not considered representative. Since each breast is different, must in the individual case the „internal structure of the breast to be analyzed“. If, for example, a woman has passed her 45th birthday and has already given birth to three children, he can not simply recommend not to change her bra. Young women, on the other hand, could try to do without the bra. (Gr)

Picture: Peter Smola