BH without influence on breast cancer risk

BH without influence on breast cancer risk / Health News

BH apparently has no influence on breast cancer risk


According to a study published by researchers in the US, wearing a brassiere does not appear to increase breast cancer risk. For years, there is speculation about such a connection.

Breast cancer risk by wearing a bra apparently does not increase
Apparently, the risk of breast cancer is not increased by wearing a bra. To this result, researchers from the United States in a study, they came in the journal „Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention“ published. Among other things, the scientists have taken on the topic because for years it has been speculated whether there is a corresponding correlation and there is hardly any „scientific studies on this topic“ gives. For example, it was claimed in the past, wearing a bra could increase breast cancer risk by the pressure on the lymphatic system or impede the removal of metabolic waste products or toxins.

Similarly high risk
However, as the authors write, wearing a bra does not seem to increase the risk for the most common breast cancer types after the menopause. Speculation that a tight bra could potentially hinder the removal of cellular waste and thus pose a risk of breast cancer was the background of the investigation. In addition, women in developed countries are more likely to develop breast cancer than in developing countries. The researcher Lu Chen explained according to a message from the news agency AFP: „The risk was similarly high, no matter how many hours a day a woman wore a brassiere, whether she was wearing a bra with bra or at what age she had started wearing a bra.“

Evidence of increased breast cancer risk from other factors
More than a thousand women with breast cancer were included in the study, as well as around 470 women without breast cancer as a comparison group. The participants were all between 55 and 74 years old. Among other things, they were asked about the family history or about how long and how long they wear a bra every day. Although there is likely to be further discussion about the potential risk of wearing a bra, some risk factors for breast cancer are less controversial. For example, studies have found evidence of increased breast cancer risk, including high cholesterol, frequent consumption of red meat, overweight and obesity, or various chemicals. (Ad)

Picture: Peter Smola