BGW New wage bill brings changes for companies

BGW New wage bill brings changes for companies / Health News
Non-medical practitioners who employ employees must in the future use the new digital proof of wages to report the fees, working hours and number of their employees to the BG for Health Service and Welfare (BGW).

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In November, companies from health care and welfare, including non-medical practitioner practices, receive important mail from their statutory accident insurance. The letter contains the access data that must be used when reporting on accident insurance (UV). With this UV notification procedure, which forms the basis for the contribution calculation, changes are imminent: In the future, employers will use the new digital proof of salary to report the fees, working hours and number of employees to the BG for Health Care and Welfare (BGW).

From the point of view of the Employers' Liability Insurance Association for Health Service and Welfare Care (BGW), the advantage of the new approach is that the digital proof of salary is created and sent directly by means of the payroll accounting software used. This reduces the effort and the risk of making errors in data transmission.

Parallel procedure ensures data quality
In a two-year transitional phase, companies will submit their data via both the new digital proof of salary and the known remuneration statement. This can still be submitted in writing, by fax or online to the BGW. The parallel procedure ensures that the correct data is transmitted and that BGW can correctly calculate the contribution.

Forward access data to tax consultants
In November 2016 (46th calendar week), companies will receive a form for the remuneration statement as well as the access data for the digital proof of salary with an upstream master data comparison. These data should be forwarded in good time to the payroll agency or the tax consultancy office.

Detailed information on the registration procedure for statutory accident insurance and digital proof of salary can be found on the BGW's website at