Proven home remedies keep fruit flies away in summer

Proven home remedies keep fruit flies away in summer / Health News

Fruit flies in summer: First aid against the pests

On muggy summer days fruit flies can be very annoying. The small insects buzz around the fruit plate and are attracted by open juice containers. This is not harmful to health, but not appetizing. In addition, the infested fruits spoil faster because putrefactive bacteria and yeasts are transmitted.

Home remedies can help against fruit flies. (Image: Rainer Fuhrmann /

What is colloquially referred to as fruit fly, belongs mostly to the genus Drosophila, is about three millimeters in size, dark colored and has bright red eyes. The insects can enter the kitchen in various ways - such as through the open window, when attracted by the smell of fermenting food. Often, however, the eggs are already liable for purchased goods or fruits from the garden. The female looks for the storage of eggs over ripe fruit, preferably damaged areas or stalk approaches. So the larvae have enough food, and within a few weeks millions of small flies can hatch.

This need not be. An old home remedy for the plague ghosts is a lock trap with fruit juice, vinegar and water. A splash of detergent lowers the surface tension, causing the flies to drown. However, the application is controversial, as more animals can be attracted. The scent of clove oil, basil, holy herb and sandalwood is intended to drive away the pests. Also, a carnivorous plant such as butterwort and sundew can help. The insects stick and are digested.

"However, prevention is still better than fighting," emphasizes Harald Seitz from the German Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE). "Only buy fruit in small quantities in summer and do not leave it open any longer." The fruit bowl can be protected with a tight mesh or a cotton cloth. "Many fruits such as berries, ripe apples and pears are in good hands in the fruit and vegetable compartment of the refrigerator when the heat is high," says Seitz. "Rinse empty juice and wine glasses directly, so as not to attract fruit flies." Compost and waste bins should also be emptied more often during the summer months. Heike Kreutz, bzfe