Applied Shapewear Underwear Body shaping clothing can harm your health

Meanwhile, a trend has spread in this country, the US-American superstars have been practicing for some time: So-called "shapewear" should provide for a slimmer appearance. But doctors warn: Body shaping underwear can harm your health.
Some garments can harm your health
It has been known for some time that clothing may affect the health of the wearer. For example, experts have pointed out in the past that so-called skinny jeans can damage health and affect sperm quality in men. Now Austrian experts warn of body shaping underwear. Wearing such clothing can result in varicose veins, among other things.

Laundry should "cheat away" unnecessary kilos
It used to be Empress Sissi, today it's superstars like Eva Longoria or Beyoncé who swear by body shapely lingerie, so-called "shapewear". This should emphasize the physical curves and excess pounds are "chased away".
But used excessively, these underwear can cause serious health problems, doctors at the State Hospital Freistadt in Upper Austria.
The doctors of the clinic are dealing with this problem in the context of the medical focus gastroenterology (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as well as the associated organs liver, gallbladder and pancreas).
Enormous pressure on the internal organs
"Especially in the abdominal area, body shaping underwear exerts enormous pressure on the internal organs," explained Prim. Norbert Fritsch, MPH, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the LKH Freistadt, in a statement.
"This affects the large and small intestines as well as the stomach, lungs and bladder." The pressure on the digestive organs, for example, can lead to heartburn. This can subsequently trigger esophagitis, ie a painful inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus.
Blood circulation in the legs is reduced
When the shapewear loads the bladder, i. Disabled urinary bladder filling may interfere with urinary emptying.
In addition, according to the medical profession, body shapers can weaken the core muscles to such an extent that the abdominal and back muscles recede.
Furthermore, such laundry can have a serious impact on the legs. "Too tight panties reduce the blood circulation in the legs," said Fritsch. This can cause varicose veins or even blood clots at worst.
Pay attention to the right size
Especially when sitting, the pressure of the shapewear intensifies. When it comes to pain or numbness in the legs, the laundry should be left in the closet.
However, if you do not want to completely do without such clothing, you should at least pay attention to the right size. As a basic rule: as soon as the ends cut, it is too small and thus of concern for the health.
"And finally, if you cheat yourself in the right way sometimes, you will not have a problem. The daily use of chewing clothes should be considered carefully, "said Fritsch. (Ad)