Proven home remedies for water in the legs

Proven home remedies for water in the legs /

Tips and home remedies for water retention in the legs

If the feet, ankles or lower legs are swollen and hurt, water in the legs is usually the reason. This is especially common in warm temperatures, during pregnancy or as a result of lack of exercise. If water retention (edema) is not caused by serious causes such as kidney, heart or liver disease, there are several home remedies that can alleviate the symptoms. These are used with the aim of stimulating and improving the outflow of the legs.


  • Tips and home remedies for water retention in the legs
  • Effective exercises with water in the legs
  • Water applications stimulate the metabolism
  • Schüssler salts for regulating the water balance
  • Medicinal plants against water retention
  • The right nutrition for water in the legs
  • In case of frequent water retention, seek medical advice

Effective exercises with water in the legs

The evening high camp is one of the simplest and best known means of water in the legs. It is not known that negative pressure is an important mechanism for outflow, which is caused by the change of inhalation and exhalation. This means that a deeper breathing in the abdomen and a marked change between inhalation and exhalation can also influence the outflow.

If the legs are swollen after a long standing or sitting in the evening, often already helps high storage. (Image: tournee /

A very simple measure is the so-called pendulum breathing, which is also used in the exercises according to Feldenkrais: Just breathe once in the sternum and pulls in the stomach, on exhalation is released deliberately and the exhale is allowed to passively pass. The next time you breathe in, you breathe into the stomach so that it bulges visibly outward and next time back into the sternum. These steps are repeated several times in succession.

In many cases, exercise in the feet is an effective measure for water retention. It may be helpful to stretch and tighten your feet alternately, or to rock your toes and toes on the heels to stimulate the pumping action of your feet.

Water applications stimulate the metabolism

In the field of physical therapy, active exercise and swimming are recommended. Daily cold whole washes, which can be done well with a damp sponge or coarse linen cloth itself, stimulate metabolism and circulation. With even pressure while the whole body is quickly rubbed off and then rubbed dry with a terry toweling.

Kneipp cures in the private bath can be be applied in the form of cold partial casts on the legs. It should be noted that casting should always begin at the point furthest from the heart. In thigh casting, for example, this means from the heel up to the buttocks, then back again. Then from the back of the foot to the groin and back again. The shower should work without a shower function and the distance between the shower head and leg should not exceed 10 cm.

An Epsom salt bath helps to flush toxins and excess fluid out of the body. To do this, pour two cups of Epsom salt (from the pharmacy) into the warm water and then bathe in it for 10 to 15 minutes. The procedure should be done three times a week. Danger: The water must not be too hot, because heat favors water retention.

Schüssler salts for regulating the water balance

From the arsenal of the Schüssler salts one finds above all with sodium chloratum no. 8 An agent that can be used in case of water retention in the legs - alone or daily with sodium sulfuricum No.10-. The two sodium compounds regulate the water balance and drain the body.

Extracts from the horse chestnut provide natural help with water in the legs. (Image: eyetronic /

Medicinal plants against water retention

The best known remedy is certainly the horse chestnut, which is used both internally and externally. In particular, the active substance Aescin, which is contained in small amounts, an edema-inhibiting effect is awarded. Even in supermarket discounters, there are now Einreibungen with horse chestnut share to buy.

Slightly less known remedies for fat legs are juniper and clover. Clover is able to improve lymphatic flow and stimulate venous return. As a result, complaints such as heaviness and swelling in the legs can be alleviated.

The effect of juniper berries, however, is based more on an increased urinary excretion and a consequent reduction of water retention. Mostly it is part of drainage tea, whose recipes often include nettle, birch leaves or goldenrod. Such tea blends are available at the pharmacy, but should not be taken for longer than a few days without medical assistance.

The right nutrition for water in the legs

Nutrition tips that recommend eating permanently dehydrating foods such as rice or asparagus and stopping salt intake are not undisputed and should be done under expert guidance. In any case, it is advisable to switch to a full and vitamin-rich diet with fresh fruit and fresh vegetables.

Celery, cucumber, sauerkraut, potatoes and pumpkin are very suitable. Fruits that have a dehydrating effect are mainly soft fruits such as raspberries or currants, grapes and watermelons. These help to reduce water in the legs and provide the body with lots of valuable vitamins.

It is important to always drink enough, because even if it sounds strange: Who takes up too little water, promotes water retention. Our body needs enough fluid to flush toxins out of the body and reduce swollen feet and legs.

A herbal tea can help reduce edema.

Recipe for a dehydration tea

  1. Take in equal parts chamomile, dandelion leaves, clover and garden rhubarb
  2. Pour two teaspoons of the mixture with boiling water
  3. After 10 minutes rest, the tea is strained
  4. Drink two cups of it daily in small sips
Water in the legs may be due to pathological conditions. If the problem occurs more frequently, a doctor should be consulted for clarification. (Image: Heidi Mehl /

In case of frequent water retention, seek medical advice

Swollen legs can have many causes. Often high temperatures, side effects of certain medications, poor diet, physical inactivity, or one-sided stress (such as standing for hours) cause water to accumulate in the legs.

In some cases, however, an acute disease leads to swelling. Possible, for example, circulatory disorders, venous insufficiency or infection (erysipelas). If both legs are affected, this can be e.g. indicate hypothyroidism, liver disease, diabetes, cardiac or renal insufficiency.

Anyone who has ever-thick legs in the evening should therefore seek medical advice in any case. The same applies if the legs swell over and over again during the day and / or changes or discoloration of the skin are recognizable. Absolute caution is advised when the swelling occurs suddenly, as it may mean, for example, a deep vein thrombosis or allergic reaction. (tf, jvs, nr, updated on 7.9.2016)