Exercise and diets for diabetes

Exercise and diets for diabetes / Health News

Young people are also getting more and more diabetes


The number of diabetes diseases has increased significantly in recent years. In addition to demographic change, this has a lot to do with the lifestyle of the population, explained the experts on the 17th Day of Diabetes, this year under the motto „Movement from a medical and practical point of view“ was standing.

On the 17th day of diabetics on Saturday in Perleberg, interested parties were able to find out more about the topic of diabetes and learn everything about new treatment methods and options for diabetes prevention. The moderator of the event, the diabetologist dr. Susann Lehrmann-Götze, was pleased about the active participation, after all, around 250 guests had appeared in the Rolandhalle in Perleberg. At the same time, the expert warned that the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle should not be underestimated. A healthy diet and a lot of exercise could help to avoid a number of diabetes illnesses. Susann Lehrmann-Götze.

Today, old-age diabetes often affects young people
The diabetologist reported on the 17th Diabetikertag that nowadays the so-called adult onset diabetes (type II diabetes) occurs more often in younger people. Their many years of practical experience confirm that Type II diabetes patients are significantly younger today than they were just a few decades ago. Susann Lehrmann-Götze. This is how more and more people are becoming ill „Age groups 50 to 66 years, but increasingly also the 40- to 50-year-olds“ on adult-onset diabetes, according to the expert. In individual cases, even children and adolescents are affected. Lehrmann-Götze is obvious: wrong diet, too little exercise and massive overweight. The diabetologist reports on 14-year-old diabetes patients weighing in at 130 kilograms. With such a body weight even a healthy pancreas often can not produce enough insulin to keep the sugar metabolism in tact. In particular, in the opinion of the expert, however, nothing is lost, especially among the young diabetic patients. By drastically changing their lifestyle, they could overcome type II diabetes and thus avoid long-term health risks such as vascular disease or cardiovascular disease, Dr. Lehrmann-idol.

Healthy diet, weight loss and adequate exercise in diabetes
If it succeeds the young diabetics, „Decreasing her weight significantly can make her body produce enough insulin“, to ensure a regular sugar metabolism. Also, go with the body weight „usually also the high blood pressure back“, stressed Teaching Man idol. In addition, some of the common side effects of type II diabetes, such as kidney and nerve damage, but also impaired eyes and circulatory disorders of the feet (diabetic foot, often requires an amputation) can be avoided. If the change in lifestyle with strict diets and sufficient exercise does not cause the sugar metabolism to normalize, those affected will also have access to numerous medicines that help them to get a grip on the disease to a certain extent, explain the diabetes patient and head of a Support group, Bärbel Gaedecke, during the 17th Diabetikertag. „With the right dose of medication you can lead a normal life“, so Gaedecke. This also includes the occasional consumption of sweets, always being „the quantity arrives“, explained the expert.

Novel diabetes medications
Helpful for the type II diabetics are also the new, improved drugs, said the speakers on the 17th Diabetikertag. For example, there is a new drug that has been specially developed for patients whose pancreas still produces insulin and who have only had diabetes for three or four years. The novel drug offers the advantage that those affected need to inject it only once a week, Dr. Susann Lehrmann-Götze. However, the decision for the use of the drug must be individually tested in each patient, so Lehrmann-Götze on. However, the use of medicines can often be completely dispensed with through a change in lifestyle, according to the experts. The adherence to special diets and in particular sufficient physical activity are the key to curb the further increase of type II diabetes diseases. The physical activities do not even have to be endurance sports, but it may even be enough to go for a walk or to choose the stairs instead of the elevator, emphasized Bärbel Gaedecke.

Support groups for diabetes patients
Helping people to deal with diabetes is provided by the numerous self-help groups, where diabetes patients and their relatives can exchange views with others, share their own experiences and learn from the experiences of the other participants, Bärbel Gaedecke explained. Her group is basically open for new members, but diabetics and their relatives but also any other interested parties are always welcome. In order to strengthen the quality of the information in the self-help group, I am working closely with the district hospital and the diabetologist Dr. med. Susann Lehrmann-Götze worked together and regularly invites Gaedecke „competent conversation partners“. (Fp)

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Image: Knipseline