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Exercise is an important prerequisite for maintaining good health, but can also lead to overwork and wear. The movement is accompanied by a loss of fluid, which should be compensated by increased Flüssigkeitskkeitszufuhr to avoid discomfort. Also, physical activity leads to energy consumption. For this purpose, the organism reaches back to the fat reserves after a certain time, which counteracts existing overweight. In addition, the cardiovascular system benefits in a special way from the physical activity and even on the cognitive abilities is a beneficial effect. However, many people in everyday life more likely to find a lack of exercise, which brings corresponding adverse health effects. (Fp)

Science: Only 1,000 more steps each day already lower the risk of cancer

40 minutes daily exercise to protect against cancer and diabetes In general, most people should already know that exercise is good for our health ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Targeted movement helps to reduce mobility in old age

Older people should exercise regularly Many older people think first and foremost that age is the time to relax.
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Older people due to inactivity with increased health risk

More than a quarter of older Americans do not move enough There are many older people who do not move enough. Due to the lack of activity e ...
More 'data-url = " mit-erhoehtem-gesundheitsrisiko-20160916202449" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data -orientation = "horizontal"> Cardiovascular: Even moderate regular exercise significantly reduces the risk of death

Already moderate physical activity reduces the risk of heart attack A long-term study shows that even moderate exercise in seniors is sufficient to prevent ...
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