Lack of exercise and sleep Every second adult sleeps too little because of TV

Lack of exercise and sleep Every second adult sleeps too little because of TV / Health News

Trendsport Series Marathon: Long Television ensures too little sleep

Those who sleep too little endanger their health. For example, scientific research has shown that sleep deprivation favors cardiovascular diseases, among other things. An important reason why many people find too little sleep is excessive TV consumption. Today, streaming services allow you to watch entire series in one night.

Lack of sleep endangers the health

"Those who do not get enough sleep will get sick," writes the CEO of the Techniker Krankenkasse. Jens Baas, in the preface of the current sleep study of the TK. According to the study, sleep disorders increase, among other things, the risk of accidents among employees. "The risk of cardiovascular and stomach discomfort, depression and obesity is higher, if the regular and deep sleep is too short," says the expert. The study showed that especially the television prevents many people from getting to bed earlier.

Many adults in Germany sleep too little. This is mainly due to long television. High TV consumption also causes a lack of exercise. (Image: Focus Pocus LTD /

Serial marathon ensures lack of exercise and sleep

The days are short and the temperatures in the basement - ideal conditions for video streaming services.

More and more people in Germany subscribe to streaming portals in order to watch films, series, etc. regardless of the broadcasting time, TK writes in a statement.

The offers have created a new trend sport: the series marathon, also known as binge watching or comaglot.

Advantage: The streaming services often release entire seasons of a series at once, so that users can easily sleep for several hours. The disadvantage, however, is that the production marathon can cause acute sleep and exercise.

TV keeps every second from sleeping early

According to the current TK study "Sleep well, Germany", the television keeps half of the people (49 percent) in Germany from going to bed earlier.

"Men and women alike drowned in front of the screen, and the different age groups are in their television behavior quite similar," says the study.

52 percent of adults in Germany sleep no more than six hours a night.

Among the reasons that keep respondents from going to bed earlier, TV comes first - before leisure obligations (39 percent), reading (31 percent), Internet (26 percent) and telephone calls (19 percent).

The dose makes the poison

"As with many things, here too: The dose makes the poison. Of course, there is nothing wrong with spending the evening after work watching TV, "said Wiebke Arps, expert in workplace health management at TK and head of the study.

"When it comes to health, one thing to keep in mind is that anyone watching TV to relax and reduce stress should keep it on a screen," says Arps.

"The so-called" second screening ", ie parallel to the phone or tablet to look, strains the brain and prevents that you can really switch off. In addition, you should make sure that you get enough exercise and sleep despite all the love of the series. "

Because in addition to the lack of sleep, the TV consumption in almost every second also causes a movement deficit:

In the current motion study of TK, 48 percent of respondents describe themselves as sport muffle or anti-athlete. Four out of ten adults said that their day was usually so exhausting that they prefer to spend their time on the sofa.

Use sleep rituals

And: Who in the evening long in the tube looks, not only sleeps less, but also worse. Among respondents who sleep poorly or very poorly, 72 percent say they watch TV in the evening - among the "good sleepers" only 43 percent are TV junkies.

"That's why we recommend having a regular ritual before sleeping, which helps to really switch off such as listening to music, reading or drinking tea," says TK expert Arps.

After all, one-fifth of people claim to use such sleep-in rituals to better sleep. (Ad)