Exercise strengthens the immune system

Exercise strengthens the immune system / Health News

Gentle exercise strengthens the immune system


Sport can not only reduce stress. The right dosage also helps to strengthen the immune system and thus protects against infectious diseases. Cool air stimulates especially the blood circulation, which in turn increases the body's defenses. Between two and four times a year, adults contract a cold.

Over the course of our lives we spend about three years with coughing, runny nose and hoarseness. Studies have shown that immune defense cells are present in significantly increased numbers in the body, not only during influenza infections but also during sports. The quality of the killer cells can be increased by endurance training.

Too much sport is counterproductive
But beware! This does not mean that more exercise inevitably leads to a stronger immune system. Although competitive athletes have an increased immune system defense immediately after exercise, this also falls off significantly in the recovery phase, which in turn makes the body particularly susceptible to infections.

Too much sport is thus counterproductive, since, for example, by minor injuries to the muscle tissue, the phagocytes with „repairs“ are busy and so no capacity for the defense against infections are present.

Particular attention is given to running. Because who runs a lot, fast and long, is at a much higher risk of developing infections of the upper respiratory tract. Nevertheless, an important point to increase the immune system is the regular exercise. Fretting cells become more functional and react faster to pathogens. The number of killer cells also increases.

If you catch a cold, do not do sports
At the first sign of a cold sport activities should be stopped. The body should then be spared, so that viruses and pathogens can not exploit the immune deficiency of the body. If you are already ill, you should not do sports anymore. Nevertheless, fresh air should not be avoided. Who can do a little walk. (Fr)

Image: Sparkie