Complaint statistics More physicians treatment errors

Complaint statistics More physicians treatment errors / Health News

Complaints statistics reveal more medical errors of doctors


According to the recently published complaints statistics of the expert commissions and arbitration boards, the number of medical treatment errors is increasing. In 2011, more than 11,100 complaints were received by the competent authorities. In 99 cases, the patient died as a result of a treatment error. Overall, the number of complaints rose by one percentage point.

Alleged treatment errors of the doctors must be examined exactly
For the more than 11,100 complaints, a detailed examination was carried out. Because not always there is actually a mistake of the doctor. The cases are complaints with the health insurance funds or competent arbitration boards. These made an arbitration award in around 7,500 cases. Accordingly, 1,900 cases were actually medical malpractices. Experts came to this conclusion only when a medical error was closely related to the complaints of those affected. In the remaining cases this could not be confirmed.

Particularly serious are treatment errors resulting in death. According to statistics, 99 cases of such momentous and false medical procedures occurred last year. These were treatment errors based either on the choice of the wrong treatment method or incorrect treatment.

500 patients complained of prolonged, mild discomfort. Although a cure in such cases is possible, but it is a great effort required. Seventy-seven patients experienced mild and short-term complaints due to treatment errors. It remains questionable how high a possible number of unreported cases in the categories is because the mediation boards and expert committees of the medical associations are not the only institutions that patients can turn to. Experts like Dr. Andreas Crusius, chairman of the Standing Committee of Expert Commissions and Conciliation Offices, estimates that patients complain about 40,000 treatments per year in the courts, arbitration boards, health insurance or liability insurance.

Treatment error most common in knee and hip surgery
According to statistics, most of the treatment errors occur in operations of knee and hip joints. Even with the routine interventions for broken forearms, lower legs and hocks it comes to treatment errors. An explanation of why these partially simple interventions are more frequently affected by treatment errors could not be answered.

Positive developments reported the expert commission on breast cancer. Only 15 cases experienced medical malpractice, which is a year-on-year decline. The reason given was the faster transfer to mammography.

New legal situation in case of treatment errors should strengthen patient rights
The Federal Association of health insurance requires a new legal situation, which should make it easier for those affected to take legal action against such treatment errors. At present, it is often difficult or even impossible for medical laypersons to prove professionally a link between a medical malpractice and the ailment. The association therefore demands putting the burden of proof on the doctors' side. Then the doctor would have to prove that the complaints of a patient are not due to his possibly faulty treatment.

Complaint options for treatment errors
Kai Vogel, health expert of the consumer center North Rhine-Westphalia, advises those affected to talk to their doctor about the possible treatment error. Although this would not necessarily admit the error, but he could take the quickest measures against possible complications due to his knowledge of the medical history. If nothing could be achieved in the conversation with the doctor, those affected can contact their health insurance company and ask for support there. Many health insurance companies maintain a medical service for this purpose. In addition, patients can obtain a private medical report. However, the costs incurred have to be borne as a rule. Vogel points out that expert commissions and conciliation boards of the medical associations would provide free reports on the supposed treatment errors, but which are occupied by the medical profession. (Ag)

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