Do not Underestimate Complaints For hay fever symptoms to the doctor

Do not Underestimate Complaints For hay fever symptoms to the doctor / Health News

Cross-allergies possible: For hay fever symptoms, consult a doctor

Around 16 percent of the population in Germany suffer from hay fever. The consequences of a pollen allergy should not be underestimated, warns Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml. For typical symptoms, consult a doctor to determine if it is a true allergy.

Hay fever should not be underestimated

Almost a third of German adults and around one in four children suffers from an allergy. According to health experts, hay fever is the most common type of allergy. According to the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB), about 16 percent of the population - about 13 million people - have a pollen allergy nationwide. In some cases, simple home remedies for hay fever are enough to relieve symptoms. But sometimes a medical treatment is needed. Underestimate a pollen allergy but not at all, warns Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml.

The consequences of pollen allergy should not be underestimated. Untreated hay fever can lead to asthma. (Image: Sandor Jackal /

No apples and cherries during pollen season

"Anyone who suffers from hay fever symptoms such as itchy eyes, dripping nose or cough, should definitely ask the doctor to clarify whether it is a real allergy. Because an untreated pollen allergy can lead to asthma, "said the minister.

Huml pointed to the expected pollen count of the birch. Their main flowering time is in Bavaria in April. Almost half of the people allergic to pollen react to birch pollen.

"It can also come to cross-allergies, such as birch pollen allergy sufferers who do not tolerate pome fruit. They should avoid apples and cherries during the pollen season ", said the politician, who is a trained doctor.

"Because if sufferers take in allergens in addition to the diet, this can aggravate the symptoms. Only an allergy test can provide information here. "

Allergy tests include dermatologists, family doctors, internists and paediatricians. In case of specific suspicion of an allergic disease, the examination is a benefit of the statutory health insurance.

Proper preparation can help

The DAAB has other tips for sufferers with a cross-allergy: Since the allergic reactions can be increased by simultaneous consumption of alcohol, this should be avoided.

This also applies to stress, because: "Stressful situations and stress in everyday life can influence the allergic reactions," writes the DAAB on its website.

In addition, the experts explain that in some cases the right preparation can help: "Individual fruits and vegetables become more compatible with peeling or heating. Try apple compote instead of raw apples or a cherry cake as an alternative to the fresh variant. "

And: "Especially with apples there are variety differences. Apple varieties like Altländer, Gloster and Hammerstein are well tolerated. "

The experts recommend that you consult an allergological nutritionist who looks at the patient for how to handle certain fruits or vegetables so he can tolerate it better.

Concerned persons should basically only give up as much as necessary, but enjoy as much as possible. Because a varied diet is important to stay healthy. (Ad)