Spider Veins Never Trivial Varicose veins can become life threatening

Spider Veins Never Trivial Varicose veins can become life threatening / Health News

Dangerous varicose veins: How to get rid of them and prevent them

More than half of all Germans suffer from varicose veins. In many cases, these are very fine, superficial varicose veins, the so-called spider veins, which are more of an aesthetic rather than a medical problem. But sometimes the so-called varicosis can also be dangerous. Experts explain what to do about varicose veins and how to prevent them.

Over 50 percent of Germans suffer from varicose veins

"Varicose veins, also known as varices or varices, are extensions in the superficial venous system," explains the website of Artemed Fachklinik München. More than half of all Germans suffer - women more often than men. According to the experts, more than 90 percent of varicose veins in the legs and appear as reddish to bluish tufts under the skin in appearance. However, a varicose vein is "not only a tortuous, but also an enlarged and functionally impaired vein," writes the German Society for Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine (DGG). This can have dangerous consequences.

More than half of the Germans suffer from varicose veins. Often, these are just a cosmetic problem, but in some cases, varicose veins can also be dangerous. (Image: zlikovec / fotolia.com)

Which persons are endangered

"Varicose veins often arise due to a congenital or age-related weakness of the venous walls and / or the venous valves," said the Artemed Clinic Munich.

"In addition, a lack of exercise, wrong dietary habits and hormonal influences as a trigger for varicose veins," it continues.

This condition is also promoted by overweight, long standing and pregnancy. But there is more that can harm the vessels:

For example, high shoes and boots and pants that sit too tight. They pinch legs and feet and disturb the blood circulation. This leads to swollen legs and also causes the formation of heat in the veins.

"High temperatures cause vessels to dilate and the venous valves, which, like a valve, cause blood to flow in one direction, fail. This way, the blood can no longer run off smoothly and sag in the legs, "explained Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Stefan Hillejan, phlebologist and proctologist from the practice of venous and terminal bowel disease in Hannover.

Another adversary of the veins is alcohol. He also dilates the vessels, so that blood accumulates in the leg. The same applies to sunbathing and sauna visits, because the vessels expand in the heat.

Habitual sitting with legs crossed also affects blood flow, causing stagnation in the area below.

Life-threatening consequences

"In many cases, it is very fine, superficial varicose veins, the so-called spider veins, which are more of an aesthetic or cosmetic than a medical problem," writes Artemed Clinic Munich.

"Varicose veins do not cause discomfort or even pain," explains the DGG.

"If varicose veins remain untreated in an advanced case, symptoms such as water retention in the tissue (edema) or skin ulcers (ulcer) can develop and cause discomfort," explains the Munich clinic.

Thus, the venous circulatory disorder associated with the condition can lead to leg swelling, which can be felt by feeling tight, feeling heavy legs or muscle or leg cramps.

In addition, varicose veins tend to cause inflammation (varicophlebitis), which can be associated with severe venous pain.

Another possible consequence: "Varicose veins increase the risk of thrombosis," reports the German Veins League in a statement. A blood clot (thrombus) forms on the wall of the vein. If this comes off the wall of the vein, it can lead to life-threatening pulmonary embolism.

And last but not least, an "open leg" (ulcus cruris) can develop from years of venous insufficiency.

Varicose veins may reappear after removal

What helps to get rid of varicose veins again? "Which form of therapy is used depends on the extent of the disease and the affected sections of the vessel," writes the DGG.

Artemed Fachklinik München explains: "In addition to the classical varicose vein surgery, therapies with radio waves as well as the adhesive procedure are a good choice. Small varicose veins or spider veins can be sclerosed. "

It should be remembered that the tendency to varicose veins is innate. If varicose veins are removed, this does not protect them from recurrence, which requires regular monitoring even after successful therapy.

Move a lot and store your legs up

Although health experts often give tips on how to prevent spider veins and varicose veins, but there is no reliable scientific evidence.

However, it is generally recommended to move a lot. For example, walks can help boost the return of the blood. Also recommended are endurance sports such as jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, aerobics or special venous gymnastics exercises.

High shoes, tight trousers and long sitting should be avoided. It is advised to frequent walking barefoot and uplifting of the legs.

Obesity should be reduced, smoking and alcohol should be avoided. A healthy diet with lots of fiber, reduced sugar and fat content and a healthier fat composition (more vegetable instead of animal fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids) not only contributes to weight control but also to vascular health.

Great heat like sunbathing outside or in the sauna indoors should be avoided.

In principle, water applications can have a beneficial effect on your legs. These include, for example, the cold knee nut, a well-tried home remedy for varicose veins.

Also changing showers improve the blood circulation. (Ad)