Checked carcinogenic mineral oils found in lip care

Many people always have a care stick on hand to protect their lips from drying out. However, consumer advocates warn that some of these products contain mineral oil that may be carcinogenic.
Health hazards caused by cosmetics
For many women and men it is natural to always have a care stick for their lips at hand. Too often, however, such products should not be used. According to medical experts, the frequent use of lip balms can even develop a kind of dependence. Some of these pens can also pose a major health hazard as they contain mineral oil that may be carcinogenic. This was shown by a study carried out for the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Consumer Protection. The industry association sees no cause for concern.

Aromatic hydrocarbons from mineral oil
After reports of questionable substances in lip care sticks only a few months ago, substances from mineral oil have been found again in such and other personal care products. According to a report by the dpa news agency, the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Consumer Protection reported that aromatic hydrocarbons from mineral oil (MOAH) were detected in a total of nine of the 31 products tested. The ministry had commissioned the study. According to the information, especially lip care products are affected.
So far, there is no limit
NRW Consumer Protection Minister Johannes Remmel (Greens), who called the results disturbing, said to the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR): "Such substances just do not belong in care products." The BR had first informed with the WDR about the new investigation. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) does not rule out that MOAH contains carcinogenic compounds. There is currently no MOAH limit for cosmetics. About the aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH, "Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons") has been discussed so far mainly in connection with food. However, the current investigation makes it clear once again that further action is needed with regard to cosmetics.
Federal Institute wants to minimize MOAH content
According to the agency report, the new analyzes are in line with results from a survey conducted by Stiftung Warentest last May. Back then, BfR had recommended that manufacturers minimize the MOAH content, which was technically possible. On Friday, the BfR announced now: "The return, as this recommendation is implemented in practice, is still pending." The Manufacturers Association IKW apparently sees no reason for changes. He said: "Mineral oils in cosmetics are safe. All mineral oils used in cosmetics have pharmaceutical quality. "According to the association, there is no health risk. "Therefore, there is no reason for reformulating the products."
Final risk assessment is made more difficult
However, the BfR had announced in May that a final risk assessment would be made difficult by lipstick in the absence of data, especially because the substances contained could be taken orally. The experts of the BfR wrote at that time that due to the data gaps it should be pointed out "that a final risk assessment is particularly difficult with a possible oral admission (eg over lipsticks)". The new study was carried out by the Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office in Münster on behalf of the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Consumer Protection. Among other things, 25 lip cosmetics were tested, with five of them having a MOAH above the detection limit. (Ad)