Surprising evaluation Children with high consumption of sweet still with a lower risk of overweight

A recent large-scale analysis of 19 studies, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the scientific top journal of the American Society for Nutrition, found that the likelihood of overweight and obesity was highest among children and adolescents using sweets and chocolate 18% lower than for the "normal" (reference group). The authors, surprised by their own results, recommend: "Anti-obesity measures should focus on other nutritional elements rather than sweets." [1]

This study is in line with a series of recent years of scientific research into presumptive nourishing prescriptions - for example, adolescents with high fast food consumption had low BMI and the association of overweight soft drinks remained unclear [2,3]. "Fast food, soft drinks and sweets are branded as dummies, so that perplexed food apostles the public 'guilty can present," explains nutritionist and author Uwe Knop, "there is no evidence of its fattening effect - quite the contrary: recent studies show either no or a nutritionally undesirable connection - namely that with higher consumption of the supposed fattening a lower body weight is connected. "
Diplom-Ökotrophologe Knopf has critically analyzed more than 1,000 recent studies for his new Rowohlt book Ernährungswahn * - his conclusion is clear: "Nobody can say what healthy eating is - because nutrition research is like reading a glass ball, because this evidence-limited branch of research is not hard Evidence, but systemically provides only waxy hypotheses. "
Three new studies: "nutritional medicine" chocolate?
Other current "chocolate studies" in adults found that chocolate consumption is associated with a low risk of both cardiovascular and heart attack [4] and mental degeneration [5]. Furthermore, a study in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that the daily consumption of chocolate was associated with a reduced likelihood of insulin resistance, a major risk factor of the metabolic syndrome [6]. Is chocolate now an "unhealthy fattening" or a "healthy food medicine"? These three studies also confirm the ecotrophic Universal Credo, according to a button: you do not know anything specific ...
"Pitfalls Nutrition Research"
The desolate state of ecotrophological research has long been known in the art. As the director of the German Cochrane Center, which rates the quality of scientific studies, explained to Prof. Gerd Antes in 2011: "Nutrition science is in a pitiable position. Studies in this area are dependent on many unknown or barely measurable influences. That's why there are always completely contradictory results "[7]. Only a year later, his "fellowship assessor" was supplemented by the state-run IQWiG (Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care), Dr. med. Klaus Koch, on the core weakness of nutritional observational studies: "Epidemiological studies usually can not provide evidence. Point "[8]. Therefore, for Prof. Gabriele Meyer, former chair of the DNEbM e.V. (German Network Evidence-based Medicine) and currently a member of the Expert Council of Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe, it is clear: "Observational studies are not suitable for deriving preventive or therapeutic recommendations" [9]. One of the reasons: observational studies provide only correlations (statistical correlations), but never causalities (cause-effect relationships / proofs).
Numerous scientific publications have also repeatedly pointed to the inherent core weakness of nutrition research: many of their findings were "completely unbelievable" - and even "another million observational studies" would not provide any definitive solutions [10]. Due to numerous weaknesses in these studies, politicians are being called to "greater caution in dietary recommendations," as they are based primarily on observational studies that have not been confirmed by clinical studies [11]..
"Not enough scientific evidence"
Accordingly, it was only a matter of time before Prof. Peter Stehle, board member of the DGE eV (German Society for Nutrition) publicly revealed in February 2016 that nutritionists have a problem: "We can not provide enough scientific evidence. "Because that is actually difficult, the supply of evidence." The observed results of nutrition research are therefore "argumentatively, of course, very, very weak. But this has always been and will remain that way. "For these studies, which provide hard evidence, ie evidence of, for example, a healthy diet, Stehle explains:" There will never be such intervention studies. " Diet on health (constitution) is, says Stehle plain text: "That can not be quantified. Nobody knows that "[12]. According to Jana Rückert-John, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, the conclusion on healthy nutrition is correspondingly thin: "What remains at the end is to eat a balanced diet." One should eat of everything and enjoy the "pleasure and fun of eating in the Do not lose track of the whole health mania. "[13]
[1] At the J Clin Nutr. 2016 May; 103 (5): 1344-56. doi: 10.3945 / ajcn.115.119883.
Epub 2016 Apr 13 / Confectionery consumption and overweight, obesity, and related outcomes in children and adolescents: a systematic review anmeta-analy-
sis. Abstract and full publication NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST At J Clin Nutr: "The best clinical research journal in the nutrition field."
[3] Child Obes. 2015 Aug; 11 (4): 338-46. doi: 10.1089 / chi.2014.0117
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Obesity among Children and Adolescents: A Review of Systematic Literature Reviews
[2] BMJ-Open 2014; 4: e005813, dos: 10.1136 / bmjopen-2014-005813 / Fast-food consumption and body mass index in children and adolescents: an international cross-sectional study
[4] Heart. 2016 Jul 1; 102 (13): 1017-22. dos: 10.1136 / heartjnl-2015-309203. Epub 2016 Mar 2 / Chocolate consumption and risk of myocardial infarction: a prospective study and meta-analysis
[5] J Alzheimer's Dis. 2016 May 6; 53 (1): 85-93. doi: 10.3233 / JAD-160142. / Chocolate Consumption is Associated with a Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline
[6] Br J Nutr. 2016 May; 115 (9): 1661-8. toi: 10.1017 / S0007114516000702. Pub 2016 Mar 17. / Daily chocolate consumption is inversely associated with insulin
resistance and liver enzymes in the Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Luxembourg study
[7] South German newspaper "Falsche Früchtchen"
[8] Spiegel Online, "Overvalued Health Studies: Who Believes Too Much Stupid" [9] Novo Arguments, "Nutritional Rules - Where Does the Data Remain?"
[10] Implausible results in human nutrition research - Definitive solutions will come from another million observational papers or small randomized trials
[11] Limitations of Observational Evidence: Implications for Evidence-Based Dietary Recommendations
[14] Bonner General Anzeiger, "The consumer does not understand the word risk"
[13] "Cheap food is a prosperity indicator" (Uwe Knop)