Takeover of the additional contribution by Hartz IV

As the magazine "Gegen-Hartz" reports, Hartz IV recipients must be prepared for the settlement of additional contributions by the health insurance companies. A new directive from the Federal Employment Agency states: "Compulsory contributions do not fall under the compulsory insurance of SGB II - recipients according to § 5 (1) No. 2a SGB V". However, the contributions are to be taken if there is no income.
Many health insurance companies plan to set up an additional contribution from 2015 or at the latest from 2016 onwards. The regular contributions remain untouched according to the plans of the Federal Government. This means that funds that do not benefit from the allocations from the health fund have to make an additional and income-independent contribution.
According to the social law expert Harald Thomé, the following important points must be considered by Hartz IV recipients:
"1. Compulsory contributions do not fall under the compulsory insurance of SGB II - recipients according to § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 2a SGB V. Which means that the Jobcenter does not pay automatically.
2. If the SGB II recipient has income to be credited, then the additional contribution in the actual amount of income must be deducted (Section 11b (1) no. 2 SGB II). The demand for a change to an additional KV is unlawful (see also the BA in its Rz. 11.130).
3. If employment income above 100 EUR is achieved, the additional contribution is not included in the 100 EUR basic allowance, but deducted in addition (results from the list in § 11b para 2 p. 1 SGB II what is included in the basic allowance).
4. If there is no income, the additional contribution pursuant to § 26 (1) SGB II must be taken into account to increase demand. "
Unemployees expect that despite instructions, many job centers will act illegally again. Not all situations were considered in the internal directive. Therefore, it is important to know and enforce his rights. (Ag)
Picture: Gerd Altmann