Berlin Charité honored for organ donation

Berlin Charité honored for commitment to organ donation
On Monday, the Berlin Charité will be honored for its commitment to organ donation. In the recent past, several German hospitals made headlines about organ donation scandals.
Special use in organ donation
On Monday, the Berlin Charité will be honored by Health Senator Mario Czaja (CDU) and the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO) for their commitment to organ donation. In 2012, a total of 26 organ donations were taken from the three transplant centers of the Charité. The year before, it had been 22 years. At the Virchow-Klinikum in Wedding most organs were explanted. Since 2002, DSO has been honoring hospitals nationwide for their special efforts in organ donation.
Several organ donation scandals
In recent years, several university hospitals in Germany have been criticized for violations in the award of coveted donor organs. Thus, only a few days ago investigations in Münster due to organ donation scandal were known. And in Göttingen is currently a transplant doctor in court, which is accused of the eleven attempted manslaughter and the threefold bodily injury with death. According to the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, there are currently about 12,000 people in Germany on recipient waiting lists for organs. There are certain criteria for the allocation which determine which patient can receive which organ at which time. (Ad)
Picture: Siegfried Baier