Berlin fire department again without patient bill

Patients no longer receive an invoice after receiving emergency care from the fire brigade
This week, the dispute between the Berlin fire department and the health insurance reached its peak. Anyone who was taken to the hospital as an emergency patient with the ambulance then received an invoice. Now firefighters and coffers have agreed on an interim solution, after which the parties again settle directly with each other.
Solution in the interest of Berlin patients
Berlin emergency patients will no longer receive a bill in the future after they have been taken to hospital with the ambulance. This is the result of negotiations between the health insurance funds, Berlin Interior Secretary Bernd Krömer and representatives of the Berlin fire department. According to calculate fire brigade and health insurance directly from each other again. However, the last word has not yet been spoken, because the scheme is merely an interim agreement. Since last Sunday, legally insured patients have received an invoice for emergency operations from the Berlin fire department. These should then be reimbursed by their health insurance.
So far unclear in the negotiations remained the exact amount of fees. In the estimation of both parties this is not to be expected for the time being. „The return to the proven billing process is a patient-friendly and social solution. This is in the interests of those affected, "said Senator for the Interior Frank Henkel (CDU), the interim solution, Health Senator Mario Czaja (CDU) sees the agreement as an important signal in the interest of patients. „I hope that fire brigade and health insurance now also agree on the question of fees as soon as possible and the dispute is finally settled with it. "The dispute between fire brigade and health insurance should not be held on the back of the Berlin. „Emergency patients - many of them elderly, sick and disabled - should be alert when calling the ambulance in a medical emergency, "said Czaja.
Despite interim solution still no end of the dispute in sight
„The health insurance companies regard the transitional agreement as the first compromise and as good news for the patients, "said Dorothee Binder-Pinkepank, spokeswoman for the Ersatzkassenverband (vdek) Berlin / Brandenburg, opposite the „Doctors newspaper. "The negotiations continue. „There are still different legal views, but the dispute is no longer carried out on the backs of third parties, "said Binder-Pinkepank.
Emergency patients do not have to pay the bill of the Berlin fire brigade. It was agreed that the health insurance funds pay for the amounts, if the patient does not pay the money within the payment period, so the senate administration. (Ag)
Picture: Paulwip