Over a third of young workers are burned out

Over a third of young workers are burned out / Health News
Young employees: fewer days off, more frequently on sick leave
More and more young people and teenagers feel burned out. Although fewer working days are lost among working people, they are more frequently on sick leave than their older colleagues. The trend has been going on for years.

Young employees significantly more often sick leave
In fact, one should think that young workers are healthier and therefore more efficient than their older colleagues. However, years ago it was reported that young employees were twice as ill on sick leave as their older employees. The Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) now reports in a press release that it claims that young employees do not have fewer days off, but that they are often on sick leave. According to the study, working persons between the ages of 15 and 19, with 11.9 days per year, were statistically significantly less than the national average (15.4 days). With 2.2 sick leave per capita, however, they are twice as likely as those over 40 years old.

Although fewer days off work are spent on young workers, they are sick more often than their older counterparts. Many of them feel stressed and burned out. (Image: underdogstudios / fotolia.com)

Health problems at a young age
Gudrun Ahlers, responsible for health reporting at TK, said: "The youngest workforce is less affected by more severe and protracted illnesses. That's why they are not incapacitated for a long time in case of illness. "But apparently there are health problems even at a young age. As part of the recently published motion study by TK entitled "Get Started, Germany!", A representative cross section of the adult population in Germany was asked about their health. Only two-thirds of young adults aged between 18 and 29 rated their health as good or very good. It was striking that more than a third (35 percent) in this age group already stressed and burned out. Almost every third job starter has more or less back problems.

Generation "always on"
Especially young people usually regard health as a matter of course and therefore pay less attention to themselves. But the demands in the job are increasing due to digitization. According to the health insurance experts, it is important to learn how to use digital media in a healthy way. "That's why we also look after young employees in occupational health management," says the TK health scientist. In November, TK will be involved in the 1st German Training Congress in Dusseldorf. Staff and training managers will discuss how the training of tomorrow can be arranged. "The" always on "generation in particular needs strategies for dealing well with issues such as stress, constant accessibility and more flexible working models. In addition to this, as well as topics such as international diversity, healthy leadership and a busy working day, our experts will be providing information at the congress, "says Ahlers.

Physical inactivity responsible for many health problems
According to the report, physical inactivity is now considered a major cause of many health conditions, including back problems, cardiovascular disease and stress related illnesses. According to the TK motion study, more than half of young people find that employers are required to get their employees moving. At the top of her wish list are - in addition to ergonomic workplaces - above all health courses in the company, a larger fitness offer and good bicycle storage facilities. (Ad)