More than a third of all fast food packaging contains harmful chemicals

More than a third of all fast food packaging contains harmful chemicals / Health News
Study: Physicians examine the usual packaging of fast food
The consumption of fast food is not really healthy for the human body, this fact is likely to be known to most people for some time. Although this form of food is usually a fast and inexpensive alternative, it also contains large amounts of fat, sodium and cholesterol. But not only the food itself, but also the packaging could have a negative impact on the health of the consumers. Researchers have now found that about one third of all fast food packaging contains harmful chemicals.

The researchers found in their study that many fast food packaging contains harmful chemicals for human health. The chemicals contained in the packaging are preferred by producers because of their grease-repellent properties. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Environmental Science & Technology".

In general, so-called fast food does not have the best reputation. This type of food is mostly greasy and contains too much cholesterol and sodium. Researchers have now discovered that fast-food packaging can increase the risk. Contained chemicals can enter the food and cause health problems. (Image: Alexander Raths /

Which other products also contain fluorinated chemicals?
In the production of packaging, the fast food industry uses so-called fluorinated chemicals (PFASs). Their water-repellent, dirt-repellent and non-stick properties are not only used in fast-food packaging. Even furniture, carpets, outdoor gear, clothing, cosmetics and cookware use these types of chemicals, explain the authors of the study.

Effects of the chemicals studied on the human body:
The substances most studied in the study (PFOSs and PFOAs) are associated with renal and testicular cancer, elevated cholesterol, reduced fertility, thyroid problems and changes in hormone function, the researchers say. In children, the chemicals can also lead to a diminished immune response. Unfortunately, because such chemicals are used in many everyday products, they are often exposed to consumers.

What does the level of migration of chemicals depend on??
Recent research has shown that the extent of migration of chemicals depends on the temperature of the food and the type of food. In addition, the length of the contact between food and packaging also influences migration, says author Laurel Schaider of the Silent Spring Institute in Massachusetts. Of course, it also depends on what specific chemical is included in the packaging.

These six types of packaging were examined
For their research, scientists collected more than 400 samples of fast food packaging from 27 leading US chains. The types of packaging were divided into six categories. These included:

- Food contact paper (sandwich packaging and biscuit bags)
- Food contact cardboard (boxes for fries or pizza)
- Non-contact paper (outer bag)
- paper cup
- Other beverage containers (milk and juice containers)
- Different lids

Which packaging did the worst?
The worst results were found in food contact paper. 46 percent of all samples taken tested positive for fluoride, the experts explain. What followed was so-called food contact cardboard. Fluorine was also found in 20 percent of the tested paperboard. The category "other beverage containers" contained 16 percent of the harmful chemical, the authors add.

Packaging should be examined more rigorously
For food packaging with a so-called barrier coating today mostly fluorine chemicals are used with short chains. For that reason, it is no surprise that during the study these chemicals were found frequently, say the experts. All packaging products are rigorously tested to ensure that food and food packaging is safe for consumers.

Oil, grease and water resistance even without harmful chemicals possible
The study was already conducted in 2014 and 2015. Meanwhile, some fluorine-free products have been introduced, explain the researchers. This means better options for the packaging of fast food. Oil, grease and water resistance can now be achieved without fluorine in the packaging, add the experts.

Possibilities to avoid PFAS exposure?
What options do fast food restaurant customers have to avoid PFAS exposure when buying a burger or other fast food? Unfortunately, there is no easy way for consumers to know if the packaging is fluorinated or not, say the authors. For example, if people try to reduce exposure to these chemicals, they may be able to remove food from packaging sooner than they would later, medical experts suggest. You can also insist that your chips or dessert be served in a cardboard box or a so-called non-contact paper bag. (As)