Over three million Austrians suffer from immune diseases

Over three million Austrians suffer from immune diseases / Health News
From 6.-9. On September, more than 4,000 immunologists meet in the Austria Center Vienna at the European Immunology Congress (ECI). Immunological basic research and immunotherapies are in focus. New achievements in the fight against allergies, autoimmune and cancer are celebrated.

Picture: fotodo - fotolia

More than 40% of Austrians have immune diseases, ¾ of which are allergies
More than 3 million or 40% of all Austrians are from
Immune disorders affected. About three quarters of them (that's more than two million
People) have become sensitized to allergens; a good part of it at least suffers
temporarily to manifest allergies. "In addition, there are 650,000 patients in Austria
suffer from autoimmune diseases, in 7.100 people are immune deficiency too
expect. In general, immune diseases are steadily increasing. The field of activity of
Immunologists will additionally use cancers that are immunological
Intervention is needed, expanded: about 30,000 people are affected. Also the
8,000 Austrians receiving organ and bone marrow transplants,
need support ", estimates Univ.-Prof. Dr. Winfried F. Pickl from the Institute for
Immunology at the Medical University of Vienna and Congress President of this year
ECI Congress. "The increase in immunological needs is fortunately also one
improved diagnostics, d. H. Immune diseases are better recognized.
Also deliver latest vaccinations with recombinant allergy vaccines as well
Findings from the hygiene hypothesis good explanations and corresponding
Starting points for allergies, "emphasizes Pickl.

Active immunotherapy will continue to be the best immune protection
This already begins with the mother who, with appropriate vaccination by the
immunological nesting a large part of their protective antibodies on the
unborn child transfers. The long half-lives of these antibodies (stability)
So the child may be severe in the first six to nine months of life
Protect infectious diseases. In this period, already set the active
Vaccination programs that actively and directly protect our children. Also the
"Immunological herd protection" obtained by the vaccination of fathers, other
It creates family members and the majority of the population, reduces that
Disease risk for the weakest among us significantly. Occurs, however - as currently at
Measles and diphtheria - a "vaccine fatigue" on, the v.a. for children
severe, often life-threatening illnesses again. This is and remains
so-called protective vaccinations the best immune defense protection. However, vaccination is not
important only for children but also for adults. This is especially true in
Considering viral infectious diseases - such as influenza -
Sense that can be dangerous except for toddlers especially in old age. There
the vaccine protection, which is caused by a first, active vaccination, with the
As early as mid - life, a good vaccine protection for the high
Age to be built. In this sense, the vaccine range is constantly expanding - from meningococci and pneumococci via novel influenza strains to Ebola.

"I always like to compare active immunotherapy (vaccination) with the
Safety belt when driving a car, "says Pickl." If you're vaccinating, you're almost strapped in
every car ride with the seat belt on. Many people may never have
a car crash, but should he arrive, the belt is vital to survival. "
Landsteiner and Pirquet set scientific milestones
Austria and Vienna have a great tradition in immunological
Basic research but also in clinical immunology. So described the
Austrian pediatrician Clemens von Pirquet is the first allergy. Have pirquet
and his contemporaries this concept even wider and of the serum sickness,
which after repeated administration of protective, animal
Derived from hyperimmune serums, today one takes the term
"Allergy" with the antibody class E (IgE) - associated allergic diseases
together. IgE represent an antibody class that is used in the body for mediating
allergic reaction are responsible. If one finds allergen-specific IgE in the serum
a person, one speaks of sensitization. These special proteins are in the blood
and to find in other body fluids and should actually front the body
Worm diseases, animal poisons u. Ä. Protect. In the context of allergic
However, sensitization and disease are IgE antibodies against harmless ones
(mostly) protein from the environment (pollen, food, dust mites)
directed. If it comes in contact with the sensitizing allergens, it may then increase rapidly
allergic symptoms come.

Another great immunologist in Austria is the Nobel Prize winner Karl Landsteiner.
He is considered the discoverer of the blood groups and the rhesus factor and thus put the
Foundation for the use of blood transfusions but also the treatment of
Rhesus incompatibility in expectant mothers. Landsteiner's findings have
Millions of people saved their lives and many children by partners
critical Rhesus factor constellations have emerged, a healthy life

The pioneers of immunology in Vienna at the turn of the century (Emerging
Immunology - Vienna's Contributions) will be part of a detailed exhibition
which will be held in the foyer of the Austria Center Vienna throughout the
Congress will be to visit.

Today takes place in Austria based on these traditional roots and through the
Initiative of the Austrian Society of Immunology (ÖGAI)
Exchange with the international colleague, which especially by the
EFIS (European Federation of Immunological Societies), which also hosts the ECI Congress
and the IUIS (International Union of Immunological Societies).
This international exchange is essential for international networking,
transnational research and the advancement of immunological
Research focus in Austria. This is done both by the immunological
and allergological research priorities of the Medical Universities and
Universities in Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck and Salzburg as well as the University of
Veterinary medicine promoted in Vienna, as well as by the wise and far-sighted
Support for national and international funding programs. (National: Fund for
Promotion of Scientific Research (FWF), Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Christian Doppler Society, (CDG), Austrian Academy of Sciences
Sciences (ÖAW); International: European Union FP7 Programs). In addition is
Austria in the fortunate position of well-known international companies as well as start-up
Companies with immunology / allergy research and development programs, such as
Affiris, Baxalta, Boehringer Ingelheim, Biomay, Fresenius, and many others)
to accommodate.

ECI Congress relies on basic research and new treatment methods
This year's ECI congress (4th European Congress of Immunology) is dedicated
with various aspects of basic immunological research, such as the
Development and functioning of the recently described lymphocytes of the
innate immune system (innate lymphocytes). How recently
They are a reflection of the adaptive lymphocytes and could help,
better explain the development of allergies and autoimmune diseases. second
The main focus of the congress will be the latest developments in the fight against
immune mediated diseases:

Success in allergy treatment through new vaccinations and IgE absorption
In the past, the determination was an allergen to which the body responds,
difficult and potentially flawed, as with allergen extracts, such as
For example, laboriously won birch pollen, was worked. This natural
Extracts, however, often receive numerous, different allergens and, depending on
Dissection, varying amounts of individual, disease-causing allergens.
However, to find a good treatment success, it is important to find out
which specific allergen (s) the body reacts to accurately in therapy
to be able to concentrate on this allergen (s). Today are diagnostic and
Therapy with recombinant allergens possible. Through the in the test tube
Pure allergens can now be pinpointed for the specific
Sensitization to individual allergens to be diagnosed (allergen chip).
If the disease-causing allergen is determined by gene fusion and
Coupling to helper antigens to produce novel, highly effective vaccines, with
those to hyposensitize just a handful of vaccinations (around 3-5) instead
of years of syringe therapy are necessary. Is the IgE level, that is the number
The antibodies in the body that respond to the allergen are very high and can reduce IgE
and thus for allergy control also novel IgE reduction methods
be used. Here, the IgE levels are by blood washing on a
so-called IgE absorber column reduced. IgE levels can be so in many cases
far reduced that affected patients are now eligible for anti-IgE treatment
Question, which otherwise patients with very high IgE levels (atopic)
must be withheld. The IgE absorber columns were used by researchers of the
Medical University of Vienna under the direction of Prof. Rudolf Valenta in
Cooperation with the company Biomay and Fresenius in Austria developed and manufactured.

Use of blocking antibodies against messengers and TNF
Combating autoimmune diseases

In autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus
(Butterfly lichen), psoriasis (psoriasis), but Chron's disease
Certain immune disorders also target certain thyroid disorders
healthy cells of the body and must therefore, to stop the disease, be throttled. Became until about a decade ago mainly with broad-based
Treated substances such as cortisone or antimetabolites, it is now possible with
much more specific forms of treatment, which heat the disease
Inflammatory factors, block directly. The first big successes were in the
Rheumatoid arthritis, the most common inflammatory joint disease, by the
Blockade of the inflammatory factor tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-) by means of
monoclonal antibody or TNF receptor globulins. at
Early detection of the disease can even be completely "turned off". The blockade of
TNF factor is now also successful in the treatment of the disease
Chron, which used ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory diseases. Other
blocking antibodies that are also involved in autoimmune diseases such as
Psoriasis used for better treatment are those against
Interleukin 12/23 and antibodies directed against Interleukin 17. Here are the
Interleukins (IL), which are endogenous messenger substances of the cells of the
Immune system, inhibited by certain blocking antibodies. This can be the
"Miscommunication", which triggers the autoimmune reaction of the body, prevented
become. The production of all these therapeutic antibodies, which today with great
Success can be applied to the patient is an immediate success of the
basic immunological research - especially the description of a
A method for producing monoclonal antibodies in the mouse by Köhler and
Milstein in the 1970s (Nobel Prize 1975) and the further development of
partially humanized or completely humanized antibodies using modern
molecular biological procedures.

Modern cancer therapies through immunological approaches
Not all cancers are automatically associated with the cancer
Immunology, however, many can by immunological cancer therapies (currently
all through passive immunotherapy). In the case of leukemia, and
Breast cancer treatment (and now many other cancers) will also be
very successfully used monoclonal antibodies to treatment that help,
better to ward off the cancer cells of the patient. Often these are novel
Cancer therapies used in combination with classical chemotherapeutic agents, the
Combination therapy thereby significantly improves the success of the treatment. So, for example.
The anti-B-cell therapy has been successful for over 15 years in the treatment of
B-cell leukemias / lymphomas applied. At the moment there is also a lot of work going on
Activation of the immune system against cancer cells by so-called check-point inhibitors
researched. Clinical studies show groundbreaking successes. This new one
Therapy form is based on the fact that tumor cells sometimes the existing immune system
brake at certain checkpoints. Become the body now monoclonal antibodies,
administered against these checkpoints, administered, may have the braking effect of
Tumors are suppressed on the immune system. This allows the immune system
better to fight against the tumor cells and to ward off them. Currently this is
Method already successfully applied to melanoma (skin cancer) treatment
other cancers is undergoing clinical trials.

In addition, cellular cancer therapies are on the rise. Today it is possible
To equip lymphocytes with those receptors that are specific to certain receptors
Tumors react. The lymphocytes are obtained by the patient, in the
Test tube with the cancer-specific receptors (CAR, chimerized antigen receptors)
equipped and subsequently infused back into the patient. The receptor-modified lymphocytes have now acquired the ability to recognize the cancer cells
and kill it accordingly. This form of therapy becomes especially for those illnesses
be interesting, where chemo and / or antibody therapy alone too
do not lead to a resounding success.

These and other therapeutic approaches, as well as novel findings from the
Basic research leading to the development of further approaches and working hypotheses
are recognized by the world's most recognized experts in ECI
Congress and discussed in detail.

"With the current immunology research, we are once again focusing on the
Developments of better and new types of vaccines (active and passive), control
of auto-immune disease and improved tumor defense by immunological
Cancer therapy. Quite essential is basic research, because only through it
These milestones are only possible ", emphasizes Pickl.

The EFIS (European Federation of Immunological Societies) is the European one
Umbrella organization for 14,000 immunologists from 31 countries. The EFIS supports with
its 31 member organizations immunological research and training
as well as international networking of the participants. At the ECI Congress, hosted by the
EFIS is organized and takes place from 6 to 9 September in the Austria Center Vienna,
4,000 immunologists are expected. (Pm)