Prefer to talk about feelings of shame in nursing

Prefer to talk about feelings of shame in nursing / Health News

Talk about feelings of shame when caring for relatives


Over one million people in Germany care for their relatives at home. This is a huge physical and psychological challenge for private carers. Embarrassment is a particular problem. Experts explain how to deal with unpleasant situations.

When it comes to care on fingertip feeling
When the need for help from seniors increases, the relatives are often in demand. Around 1.2 million people in Germany care for their relatives at home. Above all, it depends on the care for safety. But also on instinct. In a message from the news agency dpa you will learn some tips from experts, with which you can avoid dangers and loosen up unpleasant situations.

Embarrassment is normal
Basically, shame in the care of relatives initially quite normal. The Center for Quality in Care (ZQP) points out in a new brochure that changing roles and relationships, for example, between dependent parents and caring children can lead to uncertainty on both sides. Caring for your own body is something very personal. Therefore, the inhibitions should be overcome if the care situation persists in the long term.

While talking about everyday matters
The experts point out that one way is to talk about everyday life during nursing. Because this often loosens the situation. In addition, the ZQP recommends to set up a privacy screen or to hang a sign on the door, so that nobody comes in unexpectedly. Furthermore, it is very important to talk about the sense of shame. However, when talking to each other is not possible, nurses can also help by exchanging conversation groups with other people in similar situations.

Caregivers should provide security
Above all, caregivers should ensure safety. For example, the ZQP advises that during care, wristwatches, rings, long necklaces or earrings should be worn to reduce the risk of injury. In addition, jewelry, hair clips and hearing aids of the patient are removed. Even if it is only a matter of short distances in your own four walls, solid slippers or anti-slip socks are useful to minimize the risk of falling. If the family member is particularly unsteady on their feet, then caring for them in bed or on the edge of the bed is a safer alternative than going to the bathroom together.

Nurses should treat themselves more often a break
In the past, the ZQP had pointed out that few private carers would even take a break or a holiday. But for health reasons they should do so. Many of the caregivers suffer from exhaustion or mental illness such as depression. But also physical illnesses and complaints play a role. For example, the stresses of lifting, turning and carrying people who are in need of care often cause symptoms such as back pain or flank pain. (Ad)

Image: Gerda Mahmens