Nausea and headache from glutamate

Nausea and headache due to the flavor enhancer glutamate.
In the many Asian restaurants, the flavor enhancer "Glutamate" is used. Many people complain of headache, nausea, redness and even vomiting after eating. But why do some people react to glutamate with physical symptoms?
Glutamate is not a seasoning, but an industrially produced flavor enhancer. It contains chemical substances that produce an artificial taste. Regardless of the aroma, an artificial feeling of hunger is also produced in the human brain. The following glutamate flavor enhancers are most commonly used: monosodium glutamate, potassium glutamate, calcium glutamate and glutamic acid. Glutamate can be found not only in Asian restaurants, but in a variety of finished products. Glutamate can be recognized on the food products with the following labels: E620 to E625 and the name monosodium glutamate. Often these direct names of additives are bypassed and hide behind terms such as "seasoning" or "yeast extract".
Possible complaints after eating glutamate.
Many people complain about complaints, especially after eating in Chinese restaurants. Such complaints are referred to as "China Food Syndrome". The following symptoms are known: headache, nausea, redness, muscle aches, palpitations and tightness of the chest. In children, even the following symptoms could be detected: fever, anxiety or anxiety, dizziness or states of confusion. In most cases, the symptoms occur immediately after eating or throughout the day.
These symptoms are not an allergy, but an incompatibility of the flavor enhancer glutamate. Numerous nutritional initiatives have long been committed to a ban on flavor enhancers, as also secondary diseases are suspected. Those who complain about such complaints after eating should best avoid such products altogether. The complaints are particularly strong after eating soups, which were added to the artificial flavor enhancer. Due to the light digestion of the soup, glutamate gets into the human organism very quickly. However, natural foods and seasonings can also be found in many Asian restaurants. It is best to ask in advance whether glutamate is used to prepare the food. (Sb)
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