Barking Cough - Pseudokrupp When children suddenly feel the need to breathe

Wake up babies or small children at night suddenly with a strong, barking cough, it is probably pseudo-croup (Krupphusten). The little ones also suffer from shortness of breath and become restless. Experts explain what parents need to consider.
When the child wakes up with a barking cough
Barking cough, severe shortness of breath and a whistling sound during inhalation: Pseudo-croup is one of the most common diseases in young children and occurs preferably at the age of six months to three years. The University Medical Center Freiburg states in a communication: "Pseudokrupp is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the larynx and vocal cords. The disease is usually caused by viruses. "Then the mucous membranes in the larynx and vocal cords are so swollen that the airways are almost closed. Every breath produces a whistling and hissing sound.

Boys are more likely to become ill than girls
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), boys are twice as likely to have pseudo-groups as girls, as reported by the Foundation for Child Health in an older newsletter. According to the hospital, the children cough particularly hard in the evening. If the barking coughing sound gets stronger and stronger, a seizure can occur. "Despite the threatening and frightening coughing sounds, the Krupp attack is usually benign. Everything can be over by the next morning. However, some children can get into a life-threatening condition, "write the Foundation's experts.
In case of severe shortness of breath call a doctor immediately
Professor Andrea Heinzmann, Senior Physician at the Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at the University Medical Center Freiburg explains how toddlers can be helped quickly. According to the expert, it is important "that the child is calmed and distracted by the cough. Thus, the child comes to rest again ". It would be advantageous to store the upper body of the child. In case of acute shortness of air, however, the emergency doctor should be called immediately. The experts of the professional association of paediatricians also see it that way. Professor Hans-Jürgen Nentwich of the BVKJ warned in a message: "In case of severe respiratory distress, a doctor should be called immediately. If the child's lips and / or nails turn blue, it is a life-threatening emergency and parents should call the ambulance immediately. "
Keep calm and hug child
Breathing is facilitated by cool damp night air. "For this, the child should be sat upright or put on his arm. If the cough has improved, drinking cold drinks can also reduce the degree of swelling and relieve the symptoms ", says Professor Heinzmann. Even if the coughing sounds bad in Pseudokrupp, it is important to always keep calm and go out in the evening to relieve the coughing with the child outside on the balcony or on the terrace.
Drug therapy with cortisone or adrenaline
According to the University Hospital Freiburg, there are two options for drug therapy: on the one hand the administration of cortisone and on the other hand inhalation with epinephrine or L-adrenaline. Cortisone can be given as a suppository or as a juice. "As the amount of cortisone in the suppository is ultimately absorbed by the body, the juice should be preferred," explains Professor Heinzmann. It is important to know that the effects of cortisone will take some time. If breathing does not become easier for the child within an hour, further steps should be taken. "Inhalation with epinephrine or L-adrenaline shows a rapid effect. However, this should happen because of possible side effects, such as an increase in heart rate, at the pediatrician or in the clinic, "recommends Professor Heinzmann. It is said that the active ingredient leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels and thus to a swelling of the mucous membrane in the airways. (Ad)