Nausea and headaches The best home remedies for New Year's Eve hangover

Alcohol and the consequences: What really helps against the hangover on New Year
Those who have indulged in too many alcoholic drinks on New Year's Eve usually wake up on New Year's morning with a bad headache, a dull feeling and nausea. But there is a remedy. Experts explain what really helps against the nasty hangover.
Tips and tricks against the hangover on New Year
Droning headaches, nausea and dizziness: The new year starts with a serious hangover for many people. Although everyone knows that after a wet and cheerful night such complaints can come, but drinking less or no alcohol is not a solution for many. However, if some tips and tricks are taken into account, health problems often do not even occur. And if it does, home remedies can help with hangovers.

Waiting for the hangover-free alcohol
Many a person who wakes up after a busy night with a headache, stomach ache and nausea, may remember messages from the past years, in which the development of a hangover-free alcohol was reported.
However, according to the researchers, it will take at least until 2050 for this to happen. Therefore, expert tips against hangovers are still welcome.
Hearty meals before drinking
Experts advise to eat rich, salty, rich in fat and calories before celebrating in order to protect themselves from the "hangover".
Fat inhibits the absorption of alcohol into the blood and salt prevents the diuretic effect of ethanol. Pasta dishes, tuna in oil or fried potatoes are well suited as a "basis".
You should definitely avoid alcohol on an empty stomach. "Anyone who drinks on an empty stomach will get drunk faster, so eat something rich in fat like a sausage before," recommends the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA) in a statement.
Do not drink up
You should always drink plenty of water on beer and co.
"Do not use alcohol as a thirst quencher. When celebrating and dancing, the body is much happier with a glass of water, "writes the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)..
And further: "Do not throw alcoholic drinks down, but drink slowly."
It basically makes sense to stay with a drink because:
"Anyone who drinks confused tends to consume more alcohol altogether. That's because the third beer just does not taste as good as the first one. Then grab the wine or sparkling wine, bring the variety with it and this in turn increases the desire to drink, "it says on the portal" Know your limit "the BZgA.
As a mineral-rich snacks in between, among other things, nuts, cheese snacks, liver sausage rolls or a strong soup are recommended. They help replenish the mineral storage flushed out by the alcohol.
How it comes to the hangover
The main cause of the headache is the lack of water and minerals. This also leads to the strong thirst and dry mouth the morning after.
Carbonated or warm, sugar-rich drinks such as punch and liqueurs are particularly intense.
Cheap wines and schnapps also often contain so-called fusel alcohols, which can increase the headache in the morning after.
Since oxygen deficiency also has an unpleasant effect, a heavy hangover can still be promoted if you stay in crowded rooms.
Alleviate complaints on New Year's morning
If, despite all the preventive measures on New Year's morning a buzzing, dizziness and nausea set, you fight the complaints best with plenty of mineral water, fruit juice spritzers and a sour-salty "hangover breakfast".
Other foods that can act as a home remedy for headaches after a strong consumption of alcohol are a hearty sauerkraut stew, fried herring, olives, savory biscuits and sour cucumbers.
The acid promotes the breakdown of alcohol, the salt replaces lost minerals and the spicy spices are good for stimulating digestion.
As a home remedy for nausea teas, such as chamomile tea, offer.
Walk in the fresh air
Experts advise against so-called "counter-beer". "In spite of the old drunkard rule, further alcohol should be dispensed with in the morning," says the ABDA statement.
Still mineral water or fruit juice spritzers help against the so-called "Nachdurst". From sparkling water you should rather keep your fingers, as the carbon dioxide irritates the already strained stomach on.
Coffee also burdens the stomach and increases the headache in some hangover patients. Caffeine does not degrade the alcohol in the blood, only the fatigue disappears temporarily.
However, an espresso with lemon juice can help. Here the acid of the lemon breaks down the alcohol. A walk in the fresh air brings the circulation back to life after a long celebration. (Ad)